Example sentences of "see [pron] on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You do n't fucking expect to see them on the side of a bar though do you ?
2 I asked her to come to see me on the day after her arrival and at the hour of sunset , the best time for the wonderful view that I then had to offer her .
3 See , she came to see me on the bridge . ’
4 Most of us want to see ourselves on the screen — although it may turn out to be an unpleasant experience ! — but we 're not usually terribly interested in watching the performance of others .
5 I seen it on the News
6 She had brought her son over from South Africa and while staying in Bristol had seen me on the television screen .
7 This is the second skirmish in a brief cross-border raid for Edinburgh 's Joyriders ( the previous evening had seen them on the charity gig trail with Mega City Four in Tufnell Park ) , out to bludgeon the capital 's callow youth into line with their handsomely appointed tuff-pop manifesto .
8 But I 've seen them on the pictures .
9 But she had seen them on the newsreel before the big film , creaking and groaning across the land , their great limbless , legless form crushing and grinding all that was in their way .
10 mm , I 've seen them on the front that 's all yeah , mm
11 Members were pleased when constituents said that they had seen them on the box , and only one Member had received complaints that he had not been seen .
12 I 've seen you on t' bus and I 've er , seen you sculting , and I thought
13 Watch out for a driver or cyclist who has not seen you on the crossing — Rules 10 , 11 , 12 and 13 .
14 Sometimes you get hung up on people wanting to know you just because they 've seen you on the telly , and of course that is n't there with other actors .
15 I mean I they 've got a , a stall on the market , I 've seen something on the market on that stall , but they 've not got it in their size and they 'll say to you , ooh , go over to the shop , you know , and you go over
16 Anyway , I phoned up the station and I said , you know , I 've never seen anybody on the station , is there anybody could come and have a look at this because I 'm sure we 're gon na have a fatality before long , because , in my case it 's my wife , it could be children who are playing there !
17 I had seen him on a number of occasions during my childhood in Abyssinia where my father had been British Minister at Addis Ababa , but this was the first time I spoke to him .
18 There was Barrymore , with the light in his hand , looking out across the moor , exactly as I had seen him on the night before .
19 She had seen him on the telly — he had been on the early evening news tooting his trumpet .
20 Yeah I 've seen him on the telly
21 I had heard something about it once or seen it on a map , but I could remember nothing definite .
22 He had last seen it on a dresser , surrounded by brass souvenirs .
23 I 've never seen it on a wall in a real house before .
24 ‘ Now that buyers have seen it on the Paris catwalks , it 's appearing again on the high street .
25 I know I did seen it on the T V , different places , but I , I did n't know anything about here .
26 I 've seen it on The Bill .
27 I 've seen it on the map , I know !
28 I 've seen it on the floor anyway .
29 I 've seen it on the pantry shelf , Mrs Salt .
30 After all , she might have seen it on the ceptors and come out to help .
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