Example sentences of "see [art] [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 Having to hold the button down all the time made it a bit awkward for looking out of the side window , but by craning her neck she could just manage to see the hole to the rear of the craft .
2 From first seeing the prisoner to the moment of death could take as little as 8 seconds and was instantaneous .
3 From first seeing the prisoner to the moment of death could take as little as 8 seconds and was instantaneous .
4 THE RELEASE of this album , their first studio effort in three years , sees the return to the fray of Level 42 after a period punctuated by the tragic death of Alan Murphy , their lead guitarist , and a change of record labels to boot .
5 The visitor enters the gateway of the Armenian patriarchate and first sees the chapel to the left of the cathedral , a small building of yellow stone which appears to contain some religious relics behind sheets of unwashed glass .
6 JTR ‘ did not see the glen to the greatest advantage ; the weather was too fine . ’
7 She could see the asylum to the north through her open window .
8 We could see the entrance to the great square at the end of the street .
9 Sir Gregory knew that was out of the question , but it was also essential that she should not see the entrance to the tunnel .
10 I would see no change to the exiting
11 I could see no limit to the desolation ahead .
12 She could see no end to the squalor and harshness of life in the camp .
13 WP Do you think we could see a reversion to the kind of right-wing authoritarianism which characterised Hungary between the wars ?
14 Beyond that , he says that the rediscovery of the lessons of shamanism and the power of psychedelics is setting the scene for a general Archaic Revival , which will see a return to the magical knowledge of tribal times .
15 I would much rather see a return to the carefree approach by the like of Ballesteros and Lyle .
16 Alter 10 generations , the phrase chosen for " breeding " was : MDLDMNLS ITJISWHRZREZ MECS P Alter 20 generations it was : MELDINLS IT ISWPRKE Z WECSEL By now , the eye of faith fancies that it can see a resemblance to the target phrase .
17 In her limited understanding , she could see a way to the upper strata of Arcady society and beyond it to the stars .
18 As for freephone lines for shops , he adds : ‘ We are actually seeing a return to the High Street at the moment .
19 The idea has proved popular among villagers , many of whom would like to see a return to the days when they could safely leave their doors unlocked .
20 They need to see a purpose to the activities .
21 Richard MacCormac , the recently installed president of the RIBA , would like to see an end to the British passion for period houses .
22 ‘ We have a real chance in the lifetime of the next parliament to see an end to the hunting of live animals with dogs for fun . ’
23 Despite his fears , Mr Major is determined to see an end to the unspeakable atrocities in Bosnia .
24 They want to see an end to the image of trade unions as Labour 's paymaster and , by implication , policy-maker .
25 New regional chairman Neil McCrae , of Design Publications in Banbury , said : ‘ We want to see an end to the beer-and-skittles approach and arrange a series of events that will be relevant and attractive to professional communicators .
26 In a further indication of the desire among party members to see an end to the public attacks , David Clark , the convener of Motherwell North SNP — which includes the Mossend branch — called on the party to unite and concentrate its attacks on the Conservatives and Labour .
27 He saw the King to the gates and , coming back , heard the clangour of Elfswitha 's malevolence before he arrived at the door of their chamber .
28 He saw the attachment to the Middle East by Britain as ‘ sentimental ’ , and wanted to redefine Britain as the easterly extension of a strategic area based in the USA , rather than a power looking eastwards through the Mediterranean to India and beyond .
29 Herbert Chapman saw the key to the boxer 's success in the relationship with his manager Descamps , a relationship not of boss and worker , but of partners , combining managerial guidance with sporting skills in a common cause .
30 At the roundabout outside the town , I saw the entrance to the M2 motorway to Belfast blocked by three overturned motor cars , including one which was burning fiercely .
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