Example sentences of "see [prep] the first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the way back from that holiday in Provence , the party stopped in Paris , which John was also seeing for the first time .
2 She studied it carefully as though it were some unfamiliar object she was seeing for the first time .
3 Her friends ridiculed her , seeing for the first time how the balance in their relationship had shifted in favour of adorable Diana .
4 Paintings erm have the power to take you back in time , I can look at a painting and remember something that 's happened yesterday or years and years ago and as a small child , looking at this painting I remembered as a small child seeing for the first time erm the sea dipping into er , sorry the sun dipping into , into the sea and being horrified I was convinced that the heat of the sun would boil the oceans and the world dry and it reminded me for an awful lot of my childhood and I 'm sure if I 'd seen this painting years ago it would of persuaded me otherwise , erm this is called In A Days Work Satisfaction in a days work , chosen not given , eating the laxed food , face turned to steer a sun , making cloth into a gown and giving colour to the side of a boat
5 Hardly aware of the chill she paced restlessly along the bank , seeing for the first time the way the dew crisped to frost along each blade of grass until the parkland veered from dark to grey to an ephemeral diamond enchantment .
6 But now she looked around her , really seeing for the first time the humming activity of the fruit and vegetable market , breathing in the aromatic smells , noticing how charming the open square was , with its border of pizza stalls and cafés and bistros .
7 On unsteady legs she walked towards the painting , seeing for the first time the mischievous face of a gremlin peeping out beneath the skirt of an old lady bent double , sweeping a woodland path .
8 He must have been about to take a shower , she realised , noticing a towel flung carelessly on to the bed , and seeing for the first time that his shirt was undone almost to the waist , revealing his broad , muscular chest with its lavish covering of silky golden hair .
9 Her heart still pounding nineteen to the dozen , she looked over towards the window , seeing for the first time a familiar , powerfully-built figure standing there .
10 Microscopy has come a long way since the 1670s when Antonie van Leewenhoek used his relatively crude instruments to see for the first time the bacteria that inhabit worlds normally hidden from the naked eye .
11 The 1900s were also to see for the first time deaf women beginning to acquire their own identity through achievement by their own talent although not one as yet played any prominent part in deaf organisations which remained the preserve of the deaf male .
12 To see for the first time and together that incomparable view of San Marco from the western end of the Piazza .
13 She felt sad and immensely tired that she was about to see for the first time how Eddie had died .
14 In one of these three patients the bleeding started in another ulcer not seen during the first endoscopy and therefore not treated with heater probe .
15 As only the better-off members could afford the piece of silver , this can be seen as the first sign that the classless Society of Archers was being taken over by the wealthier members .
16 This is seen as the first sign that Soviet nuclear scientists , who are threatened by redundancy following the disintegration of the union , will seek to sell their skills to the highest bidders .
17 In what is being seen as the first licensing by Apple Computer Inc of its Macintosh technology , the company has signed an OEM agreement that enables Honeywell Inc to use the Mac interface in avionics systems : Honeywell will use the technology to drive management information systems for commercial airline cockpits , building an Electronic Library System incorporating an adapted avionics version of Apple 's Macintosh Quadra 800 high-end box .
18 The Government 's insistence that the Channel tunnel rail link be privately-financed is being seen as the first stage in a longer term plan to privatise the entire British Rail network .
19 ELECTRONIC tagging of remand prisoners , seen as the first stage towards plans to introduce community-based punishments , was attacked by probation officers yesterday .
20 Habituation and sensitization — often grouped together as non-associative learning — can be seen as the first steps towards full-fledged memory , and are universal properties of all organisms with nervous systems .
21 In the post-1945 period , national liberation has been seen as the first line of rebellion against capitalism .
22 The police is still seen as the first line of defence , but in recent years there has been increased co-operation between the police and the military , as in the joint exercises conducted at Heathrow in preparation for possible terrorist incidents .
23 The media often presented Jones ' results as supporting those of the two chemists whereas in due course , if not already , his work will be seen as the first refutation of the some of their claims ; his neutrons were orders of magnitude below theirs and he never made any direct measurements of heat .
24 A non-competitive literacy test ( in Sesotho ) is recommended to be taken at the end of the first cycle or any time thereafter prior to the final examination since mastery of literacy skills is seen as the first priority in primary school education in Lesotho — ‘ if learners are to profit from further opportunities for education in or out of school . ’
25 With hindsight , this can be seen as the first step in the transformation of Gloucester into the lord of the north , but this is to read too much into a single grant .
26 The Commander of the Air Force since 1979 , Gen. Juan Rafael Bustillo , was appointed military attaché to Israel at the beginning of January 1990 in what was seen as the first step in reducing the power of senior right-wing officers .
27 The signature of a declaration on relations between the two countries was seen as the first step towards a future inter-state treaty .
28 With hindsight , this can be seen as the first step in the transformation of Gloucester into the lord of the north , but this is to read too much into a single grant .
29 Mansion House has only 24 , but it 's seen as the first step to putting the University at the forefront of childcare provision .
30 The inclusion of penguins among the animals depicted can now be seen as the first indication that prehistorians have had that these birds were present in the Mediterranean during the palaeolithic era , and not proof , as was recently suggested , that the paintings are modern forgeries .
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