Example sentences of "see [prep] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We have to see through this framework of thought for what it is : nothing short of academic ideology .
2 Both these , of course , also have underneath the pattern of the blueprint detective story and all that we have seen about that sort of book applies to the backgrounder , though perhaps with less rigour .
3 Other charity administrators say that Wolfson 's policy could help to legitimize the campaigns of anti-vivisectionists and could be seen as implicit criticism of the efforts of laboratory researchers .
4 The Commission 's aim of reskilling workers before they become unemployed , and smoothing their transition into alternative employment is also objected to by the UK Government , as it is seen as industrial policy in disguise .
5 English , on the other hand , has to be able to distinguish dental from labiodental and alveolar places of articulation for to be distinct from and and for to be distinct from and ; this requires an additional feature that most languages do not need , and this could be seen as specific task for the learner of English .
6 Skinhead violence may be seen as one response to such changes in society .
7 Mr Lawson 's speech to a City banquet at the Mansion House next week is seen as one occasion on which new policies -possibly even a step towards full EMS membership — could be outlined .
8 It must also be seen as one interpretation of that theory : Marx 's extensive writings have been variously interpreted and , since his death , several schools of Marxism have developed .
9 The pleasure principle would then be seen as one form of the more fundamental Nirvana principle .
10 W.J. White tells us that the ‘ decline of the embalming practice may be seen as one aspect of transitional funerary modes in fifteenth century England ’ .
11 In its beginnings , therefore , modern nationalism can be seen as one aspect of a class movement which found political expression in a general struggle for democracy ; manifesting itself most clearly in the American Revolution — interpreted by some scholars as the formation of the ‘ first new nation ’ ( Lipset , 1967 ) — and in the French Revolution , which together established the model of a new kind of political system embodying the ideas of ‘ citizenship ’ and ‘ popular sovereignty ’ .
12 They managed to convince the authorities that the dolphin kills were bad publicity , and that the release of some dolphins would be seen as partial atonement for the brutal killings which had already taken place .
13 Young male groups in primitive societies are seen as early proof of the formation of co-operative groups in which individuals learn to work in the interests of the wider group .
14 Emerson wrote that he could find ‘ the primeval world … in myself , but his thinking self is seen as confident master of that world .
15 But there has also appeared , in the past decade , a strong reaction against collectivism , in the shape of opposition to what is seen as excessive regulation of social life by public bureaucracies , and this has been translated in some countries ( notably in Britain ) into policies of privatization of public enterprises and services , with consequences that have themselves given rise to fierce controversy .
16 Few results were expected ‘ from the bombing of these British spa and provincial towns ’ which were not seen as fitting retaliation for the destruction in Germany .
17 Despite what Mrs Sangster says , the jettisoning of the Sangster flagship will be seen as further evidence of her husband falling behind in racing 's power game , in which it is no longer enough just to be a run-of-the-mill millionaire .
18 The moves will be seen as further evidence of Mr De Klerk 's commitment to a political , rather than a military , solution to the country 's long-running crisis .
19 The moves will be seen as further evidence of Mr De Klerk 's commitment to a political , rather than a military , solution to the country 's long-running crisis .
20 The disbanding of the Atlacatl counterinsurgency battalion on Dec. 8 was seen as further evidence of the government 's good faith , although Cristiani 's use of the phrase " national heroes " to describe the battalion was called into question , given its reputation for human rights violations ( especially the massacre at El Mozote in 1981 — ibid . ) .
21 The new plans are seen as further evidence in support of the belief that intensively-farmed lowlands are likely to continue to produce unwanted agricultural surpluses .
22 OLAS was also seen as another element of the major cultural change going on within Pearl .
23 On the contrary , ducal influence in East Anglia should probably be seen as another component of this influential court connection .
24 On the contrary , ducal influence in East Anglia should probably be seen as another component of this influential court connection .
25 The job analysis is a voluntary activity at these schools and has not been seen as another way of pulling the teacher 's leash .
26 Defence Minister Jan Parys resigned on May 18 , in what was seen as another blow to the government of Jan Olszewski ; he was replaced by his deputy , acting Defence Minister Romuald Szeremietiew .
27 The increase was only £13 million , but with City analysts predicting a further fall the turnaround was seen as another sign of improving consumer confidence .
28 Cos I wondered if funerals would would wo have been seen as another sign of disrespect .
29 The very mobility of incomers is seen as another example of speculation .
30 Nevertheless the ‘ family ’ in this form is still explicitly and implicitly upheld and supported by social policy and the Child Support Act can be seen as another example of this .
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