Example sentences of "see [noun] [prep] his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 People were constantly coming to see Ken in his dressing room .
2 Anyone entering from outside would only have seen Jim with his feet up in front of the fire , reading a thriller .
3 Marie followed the bus route to where she had seen Simon with his mother and father coming out of the private estate in their car .
4 There were later rumours that the gesture , however sincere , cost Toshack the Liverpool management when Bob Paisley retired ; he had certainly seen Swansea as his apprenticeship .
5 Man has always seen woman as his enemy .
6 Nichol 's teenage girlfriend Alana Jeanette said she had seen scratches on his face the day of the attack .
7 She seemed so sanguine that he started to enjoy his leave and they all three went off to see Mona in Jermyn Street , who greeted them with her usual generous hospitality , very little of which was at her or their expense , but who had not seen Charles since his transformation from 2nd Lieutenant to Guardsman .
8 He 'd seen Barry on his BMX .
9 He 'd seen women in his boyhood with shawls over their heads and bare feet , with the same air of ancient breeding .
10 Viktor Oshchenko , a Russian diplomat in Paris who defected to the West , has refused to see officials from his country 's London embassy .
11 It was agreed that I should see Owen on his home ground in order to assess his true behaviour .
12 Rain could see things from his perspective .
13 When her eyes grew accustomed to the night Marian could see Allen on his knees disentangling a coil of rope .
14 Ken would see Andrew to his bus to Victoria where he 'd catch his train to Brighton .
15 YOU CAN SEE IT in his eyes .
16 She could see fly across his face a whole sequence of emotions and responses .
17 As a moral imperative , far from being incommensurable with his previous considerations , it merely adds others similar in kind ; he now has to see things from his parents ' viewpoint as well as his own , consider their health and resources , ask himself how much they have done to arouse his gratitude or his rancour , whether his staying would really do them any good , whether he can get on with them without quarrelling , and add all this to the information which he must assimilate before he lets the needle of his internal compass finally settle in the direction of Bali or of home .
18 He glanced at her and she was surprised to see warmth in his eyes before he concentrated on the road ahead .
19 We live in the presence of God , seeing things from his perspective .
20 That night , she went to see Jamie at his apartment on Tai Hang Road .
21 Initially Gordievsky was treated as a very important person and briefed Mrs Thatcher before her first meeting with Gorbachev.He was also flown to Washington to see Reagan before his meeting with the Russian leader in Geneva .
22 He challenged him to see God through his telescope .
23 Sister Cooney was surprised to see tears in his eyes .
24 School had broken up on the Thursday of that week , and on Friday evening Cassie saw Ben at his car , packing his holiday luggage in the boot .
25 She looked up and saw admiration in his eyes .
26 She looked up at him , and for the first time she saw emotion in his eyes .
27 She saw kindness in his face and compassion , and she whispered , ‘ I did love him so .
28 He ran in Alexei 's direction , saw Alexei in his path , and turned and scuttled back the way he had come .
29 When her sight cleared , she saw Adam on his feet , off balance , as if he 'd started round the table towards her .
30 Bal Kundra , who runs the cafe next to the funeral parlour , said he saw Murrell at his sister 's home four months ago .
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