Example sentences of "one [coord] [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is because the two properties may coexist in one and the same expression .
2 ‘ The man who put the dog in Andrus 's tomb and the man who got stabbed are one and the same Zikr . ’
3 Although it is often assumed that these were one and the same battle , there is no evidence that Clovis fought at Zülpich , and it is possible that they were separate events .
4 This is the case where more than two thirds of the Community turnover of each party concerned in the merger is in one and the same Member State .
5 It is important that the characteristics of division used in this process should be mutually exclusive in order to avoid cross-classification ( documents on one and the same subject being classified at different places in the scheme ) .
6 Although the two countries retained their distinctive systems of law and church government , they had henceforward ‘ one and the same Parliament , to be styled the Parliament of Great Britain' , common citizenship , a common currency and the same taxes .
7 In 1706 , Articles of Agreement were concluded in a ‘ treaty ’ between the Parliament of Scotland and the Parliament of England , providing for ‘ the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland ’ to be ‘ for ever … united into one Kingdom ’ ( Art.1 ) and for this new kingdom , ‘ the United Kingdom of Great Britain' , to be ‘ represented by one and the same Parliament to be stiled The Parliament of Great Britain' ( Art.III ) .
8 At one and the same instant the audience burst into a thundering shout ; the orchestra pealed forth the strains of the Hallelujah Chorus ; the wheels of the great Ellis engine in Machinery Hall commenced to revolve ; the electric fountains in the lagoon threw their torrents towards the sky ; a flood of water gushed from the McMonnies Lake and rolled back again into the basin ; the thunder of artillery came from the vessels in the lake ; the chimes in Manufacturers Hall and on the German building rang out a merry peal , and overhead , the flags at the top of the poles in front of the platform fell apart and revealed the gilded models of the ships in which Columbus first sailed to American shores .
9 For instance , they did n't tell you if the landowner and Mr Alec Chipstead were one and the same person , though you could tell that was what they meant .
10 Sometimes the scientist and the philosopher were one and the same person .
11 The link between the Ministry and the Réunion is assured by the fact that the head of the Direction and the chairman of the Réunion , ministerial appointments , are one and the same person .
12 Both were the kind of homosexuals who felt sexually inhibited with partners from their own educational background and class and who rarely found in one and the same person both lover and friend .
13 It assumes that the person to whom the institution has a liability ( ‘ the liability of the institution to him ’ ) is one and the same person as the person who made the deposit ( ‘ in respect of … each sterling deposit which was made by him ’ ) .
14 The books of Elizabeth Linington , Dell Shannon and Lesley Egan ( she is all one and the same person ) are good examples .
15 It may sound like a case of split personalities but Louise G Torsney FHCIMA and Louise G Pollard FHCIMA is one and the same person .
16 I suspect , ’ Benjamin added , ‘ they are one and the same person . ’
17 Debtor-creditor-supplier agreementsThis is where there is a special relationship between the creditor and the supplier who may even be one and the same person ( s12 ( a ) ) .
18 At this stage we do n't know if they are one and the same person .
19 ‘ Let us say , for the sake of argument , that the plotter and the assassin are one and the same person .
20 All three are part of one and the same mission to offer the kingdom of God to all people .
21 What these anomalies mean is that within one and the same constituency the price paid in first-preference votes for the election of a TD varies greatly .
22 The story as a whole only begins to make sense when the reader appreciates that , in appropriate circumstances , all these roles might be filled by one and the same individual .
23 the proletarians of all countries have one and the same interest , one and the same enemy , and one and the same struggle .
24 In his dissertation , Of Personal Identity , Butler says that ‘ by reflecting upon that , which is my self now , and that , which was my self twenty years ago , I discern they are not two , but one and the same self ’ .
25 One such example given is Polynesia , and the evidence depends on the fact that in Polynesian kinship terminology , only differences of generation and sex are recognized , so that all males of the generation directly preceding one 's own are referred to by one and the same word , which was glossed by Morgan as ‘ father ’ ; similarly , all females of this same generation are referred to one term , which can be glossed as ‘ mother ’ .
26 Compilers of review volumes sometimes use all three , copying from many original papers and seeming not to realise that they refer to one and the same snail .
27 One and the same practice may be performed by a nurturant or a hostile mother , may occur within an easygoing or a rigidly authoritarian home , or may take place against a background of love or of hate .
28 For that looks like a situation in which research and higher education are one and the same process .
29 There may be some value in examining not only the differences between the two approaches but also the common ground since each is part of one and the same process .
30 the ‘ contradiction ’ is inseparable from the total structure of the social body in which it is found , inseparable from its formal conditions of existence , and even from the instances it governs ; it is radically affected by them , determining , but also determined in one and the same movement , and determined by the various levels and instances of the social formation it animates ; it might be called overdetermined in its principle .
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