Example sentences of "one [prep] [adj] [noun pl] or " in BNC.

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1 In Medieval times all the city 's most important public buildings were here , standing in a closed square linked with the rest of the city and reached only through one of six gates or vaults , each of which corresponded to a gate in the old city wall .
2 From swimming in one of many pools or boating on the lakes , to riding , tennis , hiking or just soaking up a mountain dark tan .
3 It is worth paying particular attention to one of two programmes or issues that particularly disturbed Mrs Whitehouse and the NVALA for they sum up quite neatly the major ways in which broadcasting is seen by them as falling short of the standards that , they suggest , ought generally to apply .
4 And if you take out a policy now you can choose one of three books or an exercise video as a free gift .
5 Well it 's one of those occupations or businesses that he had to be there more or less
6 Have you tried going to one of these groups or clinics , or
7 Various computer assisted scanning devices have improved the results , and the European Community Haemangioma Working Party has stated that an argon laser should not be used without one of these devices or to treat children .
8 Any member wishing information may obtain this from the Secretary of one of these Committees or from the Legal Aid Central Committee .
9 An absentee , according to the 1950 Israeli law , includes anyone who , between 20 November 1947 and the ending of the State of Emergency , was ‘ a legal owner of any property situated in the area of Israel … and who , at any time during the said period , was a national or citizen of the Lebanon , Egypt , Syria , Saudi Arabia , Trans-Jordan , Iraq or the Yemen or was in one of these countries or in any part of Palestine outside the area of Israel …
10 and these two men would employ half a dozen other men , you see , and whether w whether it was for to get a foothold in the future for to be one of these contractors or not , I j I just do n't know .
11 What about having some sort of one of these superloos or some vandal-proof toilet there , you know if er people actually pay to go in it , it would n't be so bad .
12 If you are interested in attending one of these days or wish to find our more about Faith and Justice in our Diocese , please contact Brendan at , .
13 One of these labels or messages was dated , and it said , ‘ Thursday afternoon August 12th , Kevin Come back Darling . ’
14 The secret we used was to make the correct article immediately follow after one with four legs or corners .
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