Example sentences of "out at the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 When he had finished , Bicker strode to the window and looked out at the tumbled clouds of the late day and the gathering darkness of the deserted hills .
2 And Sue Rorstad chairman and managing director of Darlington based Poppies hit out at the six industrialists who praised the Government 's message of self reliance .
3 The bill had arrived just before our fifth wedding anniversary , celebrated with a rare night out at the Working Men 's Club with my in-laws and Pam and her first husband , Gordon .
4 The enquiry looked at 1208 people who , in the application year ending 31 March 1980 , enquired , submitted application forms or dropped out at the various stages of the process of seeking to be matriculated , as well as those who matriculated and graduated .
5 Sadly , it has been our experience in the past that the most specialised work carried out at the Atomic Weapons Establishment leads scientists into a cul-de-sac of research that has little , or no , relevance to science as practised in civilian life …
6 A disconsolate group of climbers sitting round a kitchen table all lean forward and peer out at the iron-grey clouds rumbling past .
7 I mean it 's going in and out at the right places but it 's also to do with childbearing O K. So George is changing the subject there completely kind of off the wall is n't he , er this comment ?
8 While McClure basks in his double glory , spare a thought for Lisnagarvey 's Noel Graham , who missed out at the semi-final stages in pairs and fours .
9 While McClure basks in his double glory , spare a thought for Lisnagarvey 's Noel Graham , who missed out at the semi-final stages in pairs and fours .
10 In the first car Sarah sat dry-eyed , staring out at the passing roads .
11 Transport Secretary Cecil Parkinson is hitting out at the dirty habits of the British public ; he says mountains of litter dumped along motorways is forcing the government to spend £3 million a year cleaning it up .
12 On this day , her mother always took an interest in the weather and the direction of the wind , and almost every year would look out at the white-capped waves and mutter about how the wind and sea looked much the same as it had on the day she lost her Sam .
13 And what a month it 's been , ’ mused Breeze , and she made a peep-hole too , and looked out at the sodden fields where leggy lambs were standing in groups , obviously wondering what had become of the lovely sunshine their mothers had told them about .
14 She sat on the chair by the window and gazed out at the wide lawns edged by chestnut trees .
15 At Birlik ( Unity ) , a radical nationalist movement , they are forced to camp out at the decrepit Writers ' Union building , where rotting rubbish is piled high in the corridor .
16 The electronic strains of a synthesized choir could be heard above the rumbling exhausts and Harry , gazing out at the tinsel-hung shopfronts , wondered if it was this jangling ubiquity of Christmas spirit which made his fellow men and women seem so dismally ignoble .
17 Elisabeth knelt on the window-seat and looked out at the ancient trees through the columns of the colonnade .
18 Each of the ten matings ( the lights black out at the crucial moments , of course ) is a vignette illustrating the transience of human relationships and the inequality which exists between uncommitted sexual partners , as passion , love , lust and power are unevenly distributed , invariably resulting in unhappiness .
19 His astonished gaze was fixed on the second familiar face staring out at the public floggings from amid the crowd of frightened coolies on the first truck , a face he had n't seen for even longer — that of his own father !
20 Instead , she went over to the window and stared out at the bright flowers , the trees , the green of the grass and the hills that rose up gently all around the house .
21 There he lifted a corner of the curtain to peer out at the bright patches of daylight filtering through the trees .
22 The eagle stared back at him proudly and without fear and Mr Wolski wondered how long he would be here in captivity , staring out at the same things year after year , his great wings never feeling the power and support of the wind , his talons never arcing forward and down as they did what they had been made for and struck at prey .
23 several streets all very like one another , and many more streets still more like one another , inhabited by people equally like one another , who all went in and out at the same hours , with the same sound upon the same pavements , to do the same work , and to whom every day was the same as yesterday and tomorrow , and every year the counterpart of the last and the next .
24 Dickens likened the piston of the steam engine to " the head of an elephant in a state of melancholy madness " , but even by 1815 it was only a minority of the working population who had as yet been cast in the mould of his 1845 Coketowners who , " all went in and out at the same hours , with the same sound upon the same pavements , to do the same work , and to whom every day was the same as yesterday and to-morrow " .
25 The gulls were in good voice , however , soaring and shrieking overhead in a fickle , shifting breeze , and Harry was surprised how contented if not downright happy he felt , sitting in the shelter nearest the clock and gazing out at the white horses in the bay .
26 There they stood for a long time by a low stone wall , staring hopelessly out at the yellow fields of stubble , where the wheatsheaves were stooked and ready for gathering into the barn .
27 Charlie stared out at the open fields that must once have been productive farmland .
28 The islands were well-known for their beauty to the passengers of the steamships passing up and down the Straits , but few of those who leant on their ship 's rail on sultry moonlit evenings , gazing out at the serene islands could ever have conceived that they were to be the site of some of the most catastrophic events that the world has ever seen .
29 He looked out at the green fields and trees .
30 Chuck hesitated and peered out at the teeming streets of Cholon , which they were entering .
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