Example sentences of "out and [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She was going to cope , to face this , to brave it out and lay a certain ghost .
2 Get it out and take a close look at it .
3 Or some of them they cut the whole floor out and weld a new take the floor old car and weld it back in again .
4 Fred Crocombe put the flaps half down , and Wood flattened out and made a fine three-point landing , pulling up quickly and successfully avoiding several groups of boulders .
5 We want to look at stress now , and realise that it is not all negative , in fact some people actually go out and seek a fair amount of stress .
6 If it bursts then net the fish out and apply a tiny dab of TCP or Gentian Violet to disinfect the wound and it will probably heal up all by itself .
7 It was a huge house , too big to survive as a single occupied unit ; a developer had stripped it out and done a thorough conversion to make it into four self-contained apartments with only the hall and stairs common to each .
8 The Bears have had two of their scheduled fixtures washed out and suffered a heavy defeat at Edinburgh .
9 He studied her for a long time , then reached out and touched a wet strand of her hair .
10 While the clock is chiming , there is also a 50% chance per character per round of being attacked by another object in the room : the rocking-horse bites , a chair leg strikes at a shin , a table drawer flies out and strikes a vicious blow in the stomach , a toy soldier stabs at an ankle , and so on .
11 I mean , those are just we just went out and chucked a few fucking trees down .
12 Desmond reached out and laid a sympathetic hand on her arm .
13 It had fallen too slowly to break but the wine had flowed out and made a dark stain like blood on the white candlewick .
14 To which Tupper replied , " Go out and declare a national strike of seamen , in spite of the war " .
15 ‘ Now take it out and keep a firm hold on it .
16 One night he heard a loud noise in the yard , looked out and saw a black person apparently being whipped — as he thought , to death .
17 Fig 1a is often seen but is vulnerable to shock loading if one anchor pulls out and creates a dangerous lateral pull on the pitons .
18 I do n't , I ca n't remember now who it was from but I 'd been er picked out and given a valuable prize .
19 He cleared the board and was about to play again when the boy 's hand reached out and took a white stone from the bowl to his left .
20 When the trucks paused while negotiating a particularly tricky turn , and Rain recognized where they were and that it was a good place to be , they climbed out and took a short route out of the old town and back to the hotel .
21 I would just get the entire out and get a old one , an a , brand new one in .
22 You should put it in your building society and then draw it out and get a few bob on it .
23 So Oh I say , I 'll cut it out and make a wee hole and transport part of the wood work across the window .
24 But the weather deteriorated and the wind increased to around 30 miles-per-hour by the time Jack was out and shot a 76 , giving us a three-stroke advantage over the Bear .
25 Come out and had a nice can of beer .
26 Half an hour before the match started two tractors pulled up at the swing bridge , the drivers got out and had a short discussion and proceeded to plough up the field opposite my peg .
27 So a friend of ours her Newfoundland got out and had a little erm foray with an Irish Water Spaniel .
28 A light van drew up on the wharf , and a man got out and dropped a large quantity of cardboard boxes over the side of the wharf onto the deck .
29 PEARL HARBOR saw a power too long underrated by the world lash out and inflict a crippling blow on a huge country .
30 Suddenly he reached out and tugged a small , black feather from the fringe of his cloak .
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