Example sentences of "out and [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mew found the fire had gone out and blew to 76 for 145 .
2 You have to use these methods because there are fifty cassettes coming in every day and you need yours to be picked out and heard with particular care .
3 It 's an invigorating concept because it involves going out and searching for new stories , new voices , new views , the articulate in the community as well as those who have no voice .
4 He said of holy relics : ‘ England is almost the only country in the world where there is not some favourite religious spot where absurd lies , little bits of cloth , feathers , splinters , rusty nails and other invaluable relics are treasured up and in defence of which the whole population are willing to turn out and perish as one man . ’
5 Timbers affected by wet rot need only to be dried out , or cut out and replaced with sound timbers , and so long as the source of wetting is removed and air allowed to circulate , the rot will not recur .
6 It said : ’ Local authorities , like central Government , should become enablers rather than providers Compulsory competitive tendering should be progressively phased out and replaced by compulsory private tendering Only public health , civil defence and local amenities need to remain an integral part of local government . ’
7 Put forward the idea that " answers " are like hypotheses in science which have to be tested and tried out and replaced by better ones if necessary , but the testing has to be appropriate to the subject-matter .
8 Audio dubbing is a simple set-up ( right ) by which original video sound can be dubbed out and replaced by new sound such as background effects or music .
9 Crumbling and porous material is best dug out and replaced by new .
10 These courses are being phased out and replaced by new courses .
11 And if you 're a policeman on the beat , with an eye on promotion , what easier way to keep your arrest rate up than to go out and pull in some black kids off the street .
12 After the game it will be taken out and saved for next year in a natural setting . ’
13 Small areas of rot can be cut out and filled with two-part epoxy resin , which should give a strong permanent bond , with the advantage that several layers can be applied in just a few hours , and then easily sanded to a fine finish .
14 He collected the ball from Hall 40 yards out and jinked past two defenders before spearing his shot just wide with keeper Neville Southall beaten .
15 The various intermediate values produced in computing these levels have been printed out and examined in some trials .
16 So , he broke out and went into this
17 The price alterations are a study in themselves , an example being the First Return from Craven Arms to Eaton , the original fare perhaps dating from the last century , crossed out and altered by some unfortunate clerk , by gas light , with a fine nib pen and a bottle of railway ink. , round about 1915 .
18 Cadfael , who could sleep or wake virtually at will , always felt the particular solemnity of the night offices , and the charged vastness of the darkened vault above , where the candlelight ebbed out and died into lofty distances that might or might not stretch into infinity .
19 In the seventh book he found a letter which he in fact copied out and added to that collection .
20 I remember one near thing when one scrambled out and ran for some sixty feet along the hedge , pursued instantly by the low-flying hawk .
21 I 'm not going to chuck you out and go for vacant possession or anything , life 's too short for that .
22 And they used to mark the hundred and then go there again , take the other pin out and go like that you see .
23 ‘ When you fell in the fountain , when I lifted you out and looked into those fiery green eyes , heard the shaky defiance in your voice , then — then I was lost . ’
24 Bassetja led from half a mile out and looked at one stage like winning the race as the favourite Velma appeared to have it all to do .
25 In the summer we can go out and draw from direct observation , but in winter it is too cold , but when we get back to the classroom we can draw from memory the tree we have just examined and put down on paper as much as we have learned and remembered about the tree , its form , its colour , and its texture .
26 Mr Macklin said : ‘ Over the years the reedbed has dried out and suffered from natural scrub invasion .
27 From the outside of the Opéra-Comique in the 9th arrondissement of Paris , you could see through the windows on the ground floor to where vast bales of orange and pink and purple cloth were being unwound by workmen , laid out and cut into huge rectangles and squares .
28 Ignoring Matilda , he turned to his son and said , ‘ I 'm always glad to buy a car when some fool has been crashing the gears so badly they 're all worn out and rattle like mad .
29 Astonishingly ornate decorations which were set on top of the yokes of working oxen , for example , in the form of painted wooden ‘ towers ’ anything up to two feet high , partly hollowed out and fitted with small bells .
30 A reduction is promised in human exposure to lead , the EC ban on cadmium use [ see above ] will be supported and all identifiable polychlorinated biphenyls will be phased out and destroyed by 1999. * Water quality .
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