Example sentences of "up the [adj] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 But to handle them directly , that is , to open up the central issue that arouses the pain , sensationalism or the controversy is not necessarily the best way of protecting children into emotion .
2 He turned right into Caldecott Road , left into Howard 's Avenue , right on to Mainwaring Road and up the wide thoroughfare that led to Wimbledon Hill .
3 Come and see the sorcerer 's kitchen where I brew up the grotesque potions that make me a legend here . ’
4 I shall take up the individual cases that the hon. Gentleman has brought to my attention and give as detailed an answer on them as possible .
5 Substitutions played a big part in setting up the amazing finale that produced three goals in the final five minutes when both defences looked wide open .
6 Christmas time , when party-giving is on the whole overdone , may make the social aridity of the rest of the year seem almost attractive , but this exhausting seasonal overswill also points up the ordinary isolation that obtains for most of us nowadays .
7 In the emotionally charged pieces that he wrote from the war front , Nizan pointed up the inescapable fact that the future of France was being decided on the soil of Spain .
8 ‘ We must drive out Medoc , we must send him back to the Dark Ireland , and we must seal up the terrible Gateway that he opened before the creatures and the monsters of that Realm flood through it .
9 So he looked at Matron , tight-faced and armored in starch , at Miss Guttner sitting lumpishly beyond her , her glasses shining blankly as they picked up the overhead light that filled the room with a necessary illumination against the heaviness of the sky pressing grayly against the windows .
10 He sold it to an American bookseller , who broke up the historic volumes that had survived the hazards of more than six centuries .
11 He picked up the lop-sided contraption that was meant to be his pheasant trap .
12 Eight years after her marriage to Robert Dudley , Amy Robsart , daughter of a Norfolk knighted gentleman , moved from Lincolnshire to Berkshire to take up the vast abode that her charming if rakish husband had provided for her .
13 There was no way she knew to fill up the violent sadness that had emptied her .
14 To the very last he consulted his own common sense rather than the orders of his doctors whom he detested because they advised him to give up the roast meats that he loved .
15 He instructed his panic-stricken , guilt-ridden wife to pack up Kemp 's clothes in a suitcase , and to clean up the bloody mess that must have been left on the carpet , and probably on the sheets .
16 They were talking about the House of Representatives at Weimar — ‘ That troublesome place ’ , as the T'ang continually called it — and about ways of shoring up the tenuous peace that now existed between it and the Seven .
17 He sat with a small radar screen in front of him , writing up the small strips that are used by controllers all over the world , strips that have all the different aircraft information on them .
18 Erm Other areas in which I 've lived in I lived in the in an area in Hull , where the whole of this inner city area was revitalized simply by giving things new front doors and new gutters and drainage and tidying up the small gardens that there were , and providing things such as railings .
19 For all their talk about the wisdom of the marketplace , the Thatcher government could not give up the paternalistic idea that they had to regulate the independent television companies , with the continuation of the Independent Broadcasting Authority in the guise of an Independent Television Commission .
20 A subject may take up the hypnotic suggestion that he is unable to bend his arm : ‘ He is actively , deliberately , voluntarily keeping his elbow stiff while simultaneously orchestrating for himself the illusion that he is really trying his best to bend it . ’
21 Right at the beginning of his book Renaissance and Renascences in Western Art , in the first chapter called ‘ Renaissance : self-definition or self-deception ’ , he takes up the old idea that the Renaissance was the expression of a specific ‘ spirit ’ .
22 As suggested elsewhere , one of the problems with selection is giving up the attractive paths that are not being chosen .
23 In an improbable , but typical , detour in a review of a book about corsets , she asks : ‘ How has it come about that feminists have picked up the masculine notion that those women who are n't self-confessed feminists do n't known what they 're doing , half the time ? ’
24 He picked up the third book that he had thrown .
25 they 'd come out with half of one , they 'd come out with things like I think you 're er I du n no er , not barking up the wrong tree that was the wrong one , but the they 'd sort of come out with half of a pun and they would n't finish it off , like oh th , this is smashing !
26 To back up the intuitive sense that there are " different ways of saying the same thing " , Ohmann ( in the article quoted ) enlists the authority of linguistics .
27 The availability of in vitro fertilization opens up the further possibility that the proembryo which is eventually implanted need not originate from an egg produced by the woman herself .
28 To sum up the hybrid theory that has emerged : it is that non-reinforced pre-exposure to a stimulus will allow the formation of potentially interfering associations and bring about a loss of associability .
29 Behind him , two men in long overcoats stepped out from the shadow of a doorway and watched the young man turn to the left again , heading up the main backstreet that led to Joseph Hyde 's flat .
30 I do not know where Henry Green picked up the erroneous information that Ivy had been a governess , but thinking of some of her sibylline utterances it was tempting to imagine her as a royal and imperial governess at Thebes and Mycenae .
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