Example sentences of "up to [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I sometimes think she half-hopes one 'll come up to her one night , just so she can spit in his eye . "
2 He 'd make it up to her this evening , take her somewhere really special .
3 There are rooms awaiting you , my ladies , and you , my lord , and hot water being taken up to them this instant for you . ’
4 Dr Zanda said that it was essential to agree common standards for any works being carried out on both shores and that an international statute governing the Adriatic should be drawn up to which all states bordering on its coasts should adhere .
5 In granting assistance the Commissioner will always indicate the extent of that assistance-for example , up to which particular stage in any current or prospective court proceedings it will be available .
6 I had a young fellow come up to me one day — he had eighteen months ' service .
7 I said , oh I lo I love it , I lo , I said I know it sounds awful thought no more and then Shirley said to me when she 'd gone she said , she came up to me one day she said I wish to God he 'd stop that bloody noise , this time !
8 Do you think you 're gon na be up to me next week or not ?
9 And then David Evans coming up to me last month and actually admitting it had changed him , that evening . )
10 ‘ One of the actors come up to me last week , and he says : ‘ I 'm having real trouble with my April . ’
11 In this way Burma can win an honoured place in the United Nations and live up to her recognised standards of charity and hospitality .
12 It was n't up to her usual standard — she would have to start again .
13 ‘ It means , ’ he explained , ‘ that Caroline — an inveterate matchmaker — is n't up to her usual tricks .
14 As the girl tilted her face up to her tall mother her hat fell off and , the mother 's fingers clasping the head , the hair came loose and fell down the black coat like a cascade of shining water , as soft-looking as a swathe of new mown grass .
15 ‘ How dare you come barging into my room without knocking ? ’ she gasped , scrambling up on to the rumpled counterpane , two hands going up to her blonde hair as she felt his gaze take a rapid inventory of her voluptuous disarray .
16 Because the way the English drive , on the wrong side , with the brim — ’ and to illustrate her point , Madame put a hand up to her right eye , ‘ with the brim comme ça they can not see the oncoming traffic ! ’
17 If she was n't quite up to her other team-mates , her presence there vastly increased her father 's generosity .
18 The jeep undoubtedly did not live up to her new image .
19 Yet whatever common sense suggested or arithmetic dictated , I half-believed these were the children of the women Rosa had tried so hard to have live up to her Spartacist ideals .
20 She walks up to her front door , a picture of sophistication in her Armani suit .
21 Don Peters had been pleasantly surprised to find the Prime Minister 's forthright manner lived up to her advance publicity .
22 Happily , with some strong thigh 'd bargemen ; Or one o'th' wood-yard , that can quoit the sledge Or toss the bar , or else some lovely squire That carries coals up to her privy lodgings … .
23 His eyes raked from her slender tanned legs over the V-neck of her short black dress , and on up to her flushed cheeks , and the blonde strands of hair escaping her neat bun .
24 These she had made up to her exact requirements , with precisely the right number of holes , by an exclusive shop in Knightsbridge .
25 He closed the door behind him , and Shelley stood in the hall for a long time , one hand up to her untidy hair where Miguel had ruffled it .
26 AUDREY HEPBURN is up to her cat-like eyes in murder and dirty double crossing in this clever comedy thriller that has become a film classic .
27 The nettles were bolder , they bravely marched right up to her very door bringing their friends the docks with them .
28 As she read her right hand strayed up to her left breast .
29 She had stayed at work up to the proper time to get the full benefits and she had felt important enough , leaving to have a baby , for the loneliness to be kept at bay for the time leading up to her last day .
30 Forced to face up to her own fears and failed expectations , it was as if Belinda had to deal with two babies : one was the theoretical idea of a baby with Down 's syndrome , the other was Sophie herself .
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