Example sentences of "when [indef pn] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes the recogniser gives no candidate letter when nothing matches in the Freeman vector database ( section 3.4.1 and section 5.2.6 ) , and in such situations a ‘ wild card ’ algorithm is implemented to attempt to fill such blank letter positions ( shown as * below ) by searching in the word look-up tree .
2 ‘ I was in a difficult situation when someone passed on the news Boro had won .
3 Thus when someone hears of the death of someone they are close to the reaction is , ‘ But it ca n't be true . ’
4 Dorothy waited patiently and had her moment of triumph when someone went into the back of his car at a traffic light — clearly his fault for not getting a move on quicker .
5 When someone came into the room he realised he had gone out in a sweet unconscious .
6 How many t I mean er how many times has have you have you had have you had have you had problems with people you know when you told me about w that incident when someone came to the door and took your r took your rent off you ?
7 If she ever saw her , she thought worriedly ; she always seemed to be rushing off somewhere — and then she jumped when someone tapped on the door .
8 She was hunting through her bag when someone tapped at the door .
9 Lindsey was putting the finishing touches to her notes when someone tapped at the door and a dark-haired girl popped her head round .
10 Lindsey was clearing her desk when someone tapped at the door .
11 If anybody sneezes all hell breaks loose , she 's petrified of traffic and when someone comes into the house she sits on the bed and shakes .
12 Only the doctor who attended the last illness is required to certify when someone dies in the hospital and a post mortem has been carried out and the results known to the doctor .
13 So when someone emerged from the scrum of drivers meeting various flights and waved a sign in our face , I sort of pushed him away .
14 All I had to do was squeeze the button when someone emerged from the tower .
15 Two floors above , Jude heard what she took to be a domestic argument , and not wanting somebody else 's marital strife to sour her fine mood , was crossing to turn up the soul song on the turntable when somebody knocked on the door .
16 Well no , voting is when somebody goes to the polling booth they have to weigh all the pro 's and cons of all the information that they 've been told .
17 Supposing then that there was water with bloodstain in it , when somebody went to the toilet , urine , pass their urine , where , where would the damage be then do you think ?
18 I was about ready to leave when somebody leaned on the doorbell .
19 Just past the hour Suker , their only effective forward , worked his way to the left-hand byline and shrugged disconsolately when nobody ran through the middle to meet his pass .
20 There will be a tendency , when everything comes from the computer , you hear it already , ‘ oh it was the computer ’ , and that , I think , we want to try to change as quickly as possible .
21 When one thinks of the number of miserably displaced children from broken homes who 've been given a sense of purpose by the Pony Club ’ Sukey was saying , then , lowering her voice , ‘ take Perdita Macleod .
22 I lived in the book , as — in your others : I liked particularly Isabella and Evalie , and their gay early middle age — how comforting , too , to be with people who find ‘ the Change ’ such fun , when one thinks of the depressing nonsense that most people make out of it … .
23 This lack is astonishing when one thinks of the innumerable ancient towns of England that richly deserve such a study .
24 This is all the more significant when one thinks of the nature mysticism that was so common in every variety of ancient paganism .
25 Someone must be doing their housekeeping rather better at those hospitals , especially when one thinks of the help the Memorial Hospital gets from the WRVS and the Friends of the Hospital who raise a good deal of money and have done so for many years .
26 Of course , America has always been highly influential , but when one thinks of the Rolling Stones and Beatles erm and what have you in the sixties and seventies , and how much it has influenced Continental light music , not light music but popular culture , it is incredible .
27 Alternatively , during a spell of prolonged cold weather when one fears for the safety of the fish , a hole can be made in the ice by placing a pan of boiling water on the surface and allowing this to melt through .
28 When one rolled along the ground he picked it up and stood it on its end to stop it rolling .
29 When one hears of the hardships which could be caused to the high salaried , then surely in this country which claims to be Christian , we face not a political problem , but a moral one .
30 There are also the foreseeable difficulties that emerge when one takes as the basis for study the concepts of ‘ normal ’ and ‘ typical ’ children .
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