Example sentences of "when [pron] [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 The moment was complete when I realised that the action had also cured my arthritis and that I had n't needed the strategically-placed piece of double-sided sticky tape .
2 ‘ I was in New Zealand , watching the rugby league students ’ world tournament , when I realised that the 15-a-side game did not have an equivalent competition .
3 However when I discovered that the was situated on an old second world war airfield only three miles from my home , I decided to find out more about it .
4 When I saw that the Law meant one thing and the Gospel another ’ , said Luther , ‘ I broke through . ’
5 IT lifted my sorrow when I saw that the Mirror finally shamed the blundering DSS into paying a disabled man 's benefit increase after a nine-month delay .
6 This is just about to run out , so I was overjoyed when I saw that the Halifax had brought out another fixed rate offer .
7 When I protested that the play was based on a folk fairy tale , and that such stories are not concerned with projecting politically approved attitudes , I was not understood .
8 When I postulated that the environmentalists might have a case , they were horrified that I of all people should express such a view , when it had been clear to them from the start that I was different from the others ( my sisters ) .
9 I am not , then , when I claim that the existence of God does not need to be proved , denying that we must show it to be reasonable to believe in God .
10 You may , sir , the rather believe me when I declare that the only man I could honour more than another is the gentleman who of all others seeks my everlasting dishonour .
11 I was not surprised when I heard that the old man had gone to live with Dorothy .
12 Sandy , a visitor , told us : " It brought tears to my eyes when I heard that the house would be closed for renovation .
13 It was just routine procedure , playing percentages , and I was very surprised when I heard that the proposal had been rejected .
14 That is what I mean when I say that the problems of crofting , and other rural problems , are in an odd , but very real sense , a national resource .
15 Lastly , I fear I may have to disappoint you when I say that the coin is more interesting than valuable .
16 He said : ’ When I say that the Government are not positive , that is because they have sought no undertakings on regional policy , growth policy or employment policy . ’
17 Well , except that , that erm I think that even in defending our idea that we retain our individuality you relied on spacial movement , that is when you say that , or when I say that the one is within us , clearly you must be speaking metaphorically .
18 I think I speak for the vast majority of the environmental health committee when I say that the abatement and noise pollution has been one of our ongoing major concerns in things for the last twelve months .
19 I have always managed to miss the occasional pairs that nest on the Union Canal near my home and I am relying on second-hand reports when I say that the drake whistles softly to his mate who makes raucous growling noises in return .
20 However , when I doubted that the Maillotins had ever launched such an attack , Dacourt bellowed his disbelief .
21 A snow bunting twitters away to my left , laughing — as it turns out — at what is about to happen next , when I find that the volcanic dish is shallow and filled with grass and wind-blown rubbish .
22 When I suggested that The Wild Bunch was a prime example of nasty , unartistic violence , she reproved me .
23 I am reminded that when I suggested that the £7 billion of expenditure on the European fighter aircraft might be better spent — it seems dodgy anyhow — or used for civilian aircraft , his contribution to planned change was to suggest that nobody wants single-seater civilian aircraft flying at 750 mph .
24 I dressed in black to reduce the chance of being seen and could n't believe my luck when I found that the house opposite his was unoccupied , with big bushes in the front garden that I could hide behind .
25 The mystery deepens when I learn that the band 's background is n't even affluent-but-screwed-up middle class , but liberal and permissive and caring .
26 Like when someone says that the records you love are just plastic junk and they are the sort of people who read and rake in all that shit in the daily papers , then it makes me think that my daily intake of media is far superior to theirs .
27 You were glad when someone suggested that the butter or the jam should be cut up into rations even though you did see the hard selfishness in his eyes as he said it and felt sick because you knew that normally he was neither hard nor selfish .
28 I asked you through the Medau News last year to all help and make our fund raising this year a really great success and when you know that the figure at the time of going to press is over £2,600 you will all be as pleased as our Treasurer is .
29 I 'd just about got a speech arranged when you announced that the afternoon had been no big deal ! ’
30 You miss the point in your leader ( April 13th ) when you argue that the recent deal to cut Poland 's official debt by half should be the exception rather than the rule .
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