Example sentences of "take up the [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Kaohsiung Yamaha covers over 235,000 sq ft of space and houses 800 staff ; electric guitar production takes up the ground floor while acoustics are built upstairs .
2 He took up the brass paper knife and with a turn of his wrist had the drawer open , his stay in prison had served some useful purpose .
3 She did not leave as Corbett took up the pewter spoon and began to eat .
4 A tack room and hay loft took up the north side ; on the south side were grooms ' and coachman 's quarters .
5 He took up the dish towel .
6 In 1908 the Standard was not printing photographs and , although it took up the art form in the 1920 's and it is a curiosity to learn that the first photograph it published to do with the Club was in fact of the Opening Match , but 50 years after the event .
7 Mr Maxmilian Frizzell had never read a book since leaving school and did not know who Lawrence was , so he put down the newspaper and took up the Car Dealer and Garageman with what dignity he could muster .
8 He took up the trigger pressure .
9 The Tokugawa 's enemies took up the rallying cry of ‘ revere the emperor and expel the barbarian ’ ( sonnó0 jó0i ) , and kept it long after their leaders realized the impossibility of bringing external contacts to an end .
10 For the Australian army was among the first , if not the first , Allied service taking up the commando idea , even though they already had nearly four divisions overseas .
11 She moved along the counter to where , beneath it , on a narrow table , there stood a number of trays and , taking up the brass hammer , she broke the edge of the toffee and put four pieces into a newspaper cone that she had taken from a number stacked up by the side of the tray .
12 He began as an alto player in the 1930s playing with such musicians as Teddy Buckner and Jimmy Lunceford , before taking up the tenor saxophone at the request of Howard McGhee in the mid-1940s .
13 Additionally , if you have received treatment or advice for a medical condition during the 2 years before taking up the Hospital Income Plan , your cover for the condition commences after you have been insured for 24 months or if you are admitted to hospital for that condition during this period then as soon after the 24 months as you have been free of in-patient treatment for 12 months .
14 Not only was the functioning of the library committee curtailed by industrial action — as it was in every school studied but the many attitudinal and motivational effects of the reorganisation of secondary schooling in the area as a whole must have been significant in shaping the perspectives and actions of those taking up the project challenge .
15 HOSPITALS , community centres and local charities are set to reap the rewards from the work of local youths who are taking up the Post Office Community Challenge .
16 ‘ I do not intend to starve , ’ Isabel said sharply , taking up the serving slice .
17 I have alerted the Director of Education to the likelihood that a decision on whether or not to take up the school site might need to be taken sooner than originally thought .
18 In a normal decay the photon and the nucleus share the energy release Q , so that the photon energy is less than Q. Similarly , when a photon is absorbed in the reverse process the nucleus recoils to take up the photon momentum and so acquires some kinetic energy .
19 Each one of them will know what it means to take up the challenge year after year of a yet higher fund raising target . ’
20 IT would be reasonable to suppose that dreams of following Daley Thompson have inspired Anthony Brannen to take up the world record holder 's former mantle as Britain 's leading decathlete .
21 He put his hands out to take up the carving knife and fork and Amy Hall murmured something to her neighbour about Arthur always having wanted to be a surgeon really .
22 When I was about eleven , he must have been about fourteen or fifteen , and he decided to take up the concert flute — so he suggested that instead of us staying on tin whistles , we should all take up different instruments .
23 Eventually , the polyps bud in a different way and produce miniature medusae which detach themselves and wriggle away to take up the swimming life once more .
24 Many knitters will not often come across patterns that take up the whole working memory .
25 Take up the cell suspension in a 1 ml syringe without a needle .
26 Clearly , if we want to deliver long-term reductions in tobacco consumption , we need to ensure that the smallest possible number of children — preferably none — take up the tobacco habit .
27 We can , moreover , hear the urbane inflection of the voice where Nicholas and Alison briefly take up the fabliau narrative within the narrative , spinning the yarn of John 's foolishness : The joke is enhanced by their attribution of the elegant French phrase , par compaignye , to this " " lewed " " character .
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