Example sentences of "take up [noun sg] and [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While the Camphill Development Project will naturally take up time and energy and demand much sacrifice over the next few years it must not become our only goal .
2 Well , at that point we 've got to three o'clock and the end of the term , erm I 'll take up Totem and Taboo , and its more forward lis looking aspects in the first lecture of er , next term , and I wish you all a happy Christmas , and new year , and hope you have a good , a good vacation and look forward to seeing you here again , the first Thursday of next term .
3 It happened with me , when at the age of 18 , I took up pen and paper to make a reply to the readers ' letters column of the Glasgow Evening Times , in answer to a man who supported the rise of Nazism in Germany .
4 In less than three months he , too , had moved — to a cottage just outside the village , where he took up gardening and fishing with great energy and enthusiasm .
5 They had certain tricks and devices by which they avenged themselves on the interlopers , but these took up time and energy and , since they were young and inexperienced , frequently rebounded on themselves , although Sam , by dint of great perseverance and the manifestation of genuine hatred , had recently succeeded in ridding her home of her mother 's latest lover .
6 On 28 July 1971 the Rhodesia Herald published a letter from me in response to a vitriolic attack by a Rhodesia Front Party MP : When Mr Irvine claims that the university campus is both a hotbed of evil living and orientated to the ‘ unpractical arts ’ subjects , did he visualise arts and social science students abandoning their studies in history , sociology and political science to take up carpentry and plumbing ?
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