Example sentences of "take up [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In The Man in Grey ( 1943 ) , Lockwood plays a ruthless woman who enters the house of an old schoolfriend as a governess and takes up with the man of the house .
2 She says well , we can only take up to the value of your car , , which is more than they did !
3 Explain and justify the options you would take up in the case of : even additions ; random additions ; , grouped additions ; no additions .
4 ‘ We parted company and I took up with the bozo in the trenchcoat .
5 Expenditures , er some of the the er higher amounts are printing at ninety pounds fifty , cons conference fees at sixty pounds , er Euro Election er donation of twenty five pounds , photocopies of forty pounds , er bank charges Which er was a point that I took up with the bank erm Mr Chairman last December .
6 Her other recreation is playing the violin , something she took up at the age of 11 when she went on to become a member of the Preston Youth Orchestra .
7 We 'll compare it with what we took up at the site . ’
8 They were few in number , but attracted an attention out of all proportion to the space they took up in the exhibition .
9 In contrast to Mallet and Naville , they do not appear to believe that there is any fundamental conflict of interests between capital and labour which would lead to them expressing opposing preferences with regard to the taking up of the job design principles they advocate .
10 ‘ Knowledge shows us high above the mutable transactions of the soul with the mortality of nature our highest Self as the supreme Lord of all her actions , one and equal in all objects and creatures , not born in the taking up of the body , not subject to death in the perishing of all those bodies .
11 For example , there may be a voluntary during the taking up of the collection .
12 Even the inheritance of acquired characters was taken up as the centrepiece for a self-consciously anti-Darwinian movement known as ‘ neo-Lamarckism ’ .
13 This means that salad crops are excellent subjects for catch cropping in space that will later be taken up as the autumn and winter crops grow to their mature sizes .
14 A final problem is that these substances may be taken up into the blood supply as it passes through the brain and carried to other parts of the body where they may have toxic effects that confound their effects on the nervous system .
15 In no other human discipline , not in philosophy , nor science , nor music , is it believed that there has been a particular revelation of God in history , so that that point in history is then necessarily taken up into the discipline .
16 The colonic epithelial cell is probably the major site of metabolism of 5-ASA and because the N-acetyltransferase enzyme is cytosolic , 5-ASA must be taken up into the cell before acetylation .
17 At last the Stones were bundled into the building and taken up onto the roof for the promised interview .
18 ( As an American he would have been used to ‘ collections ’ being taken up during the service .
19 But the story is essentially the same : England 's long aristocratic hangover ( the idea of an English ancien régime , outlandish to Whiggish historians , has been taken up on the right by Jonathan Clark and others in interpretations that contest but also defer to Anderson 's own ) ; its early industrialisation ; a weak-kneed bourgeoisie ; an inward working-class addicted to ‘ Labourism ’ ; the distraction of empire ; the more recent hollow heroics of ‘ Ukania ’ ; and the failure to develop a progressive intellectual culture grounded in a radical sociology .
20 What 's forty-eight hours and a good part of it taken up on the train !
21 In any case most of the time required will be taken up at the beginning , in the planning and drawing out of the plan on paper , in choosing the plants , and in soil preparation and planting .
22 In his autobiography , Citrine himself was to look back on this second career , taken up at the age of sixty , as the happiest time of his life , when his creativity and other faculties were exercised to the full .
23 The boarding plank had been taken up for the night .
24 If you 're putting in new pipework , it might be easier to make all the holes before the cistern is taken up to the loft ; with a replacement cistern , it is important to make the holes in the correct position to take the existing pipes .
25 And so it was that Luch was taken up to the castle for the second time .
26 When it was taken up with the Headmaster he said that the boy 's name was not on the roll , they did not know of him .
27 Much of the previous chapter was taken up with the question of what kind of economy is emerging in the UK .
28 This of course harks back to the much older debate about whether memories can be localized — something I 'll come back to later , ; much of the next two chapters will be taken up with the question of the localization of memory in space and time .
29 Grandfather 's principal interest was to hear the one who played the piano but when he got there he was rather taken up with the violinist .
30 Thanks to his hobby some splendid pictures of his son and daughter 's early life were preserved — on their tricycles , walking through the local park , playing with their cousins , skating and skiing , and some more imposing ones of them with the grown-ups — getting into the car while Kerry the chauffeur holds the door open ; looking very serious with the uncles and aunts , their mother appearing to be taken up with the idea of not being photographed with them !
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