Example sentences of "take its [noun sg] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Love takes its shape within that part of me
2 It takes its cue from other kinds of liberation , and rests the call for Animal Liberation on the recognition of the rights of nonhuman animals , including in particular their right not to be treated as mere means to human ends .
3 Four of these are electric , each driven by a 40 h.p. motor which takes its current from overhead trolley wires .
4 IF THE PLAN has been for the Europeans not to show their strongest hands in the Freeport-McMoran Classic at English Turn , which takes its name from one of the sweeping bends in the Mississipi River , much has gone according to plan .
5 It takes its name from one of the first cases in which such an injunction was granted , Mareva Compania Naviera S.A .
6 This has the effect of diverting our attention away from previous cases where the method has failed and hence of escaping the sceptical argument which takes its start from those cases .
7 In towns , the ever-increasing motor traffic takes its toll of crumbling sewers .
8 Murphy , who has now qualified for Stage III of four world ranking tournaments in Blackpool , looked sharp throughout the match against a player whose grinding style often takes its toll on lesser experienced players .
9 When we deny our doubts , repression takes its toll in personal integrity , faith , worship and witness .
10 LLOYD 'S broker PWS Holdings is buying 75 p.c. of insurance broker Burns-Crosson for £100,000 with the undertaking to subscribe another £50,000 for further shares on completion of the deal , and can take its shareholding to 85 p.c. by 1997 for up to a total cost of £500,000 .
11 Perhaps Mayberry should have let evolution take its course after all .
12 But it believes it must take its message into all areas of life , to press causes , such an end to official silence on environmental problems , an investigation into glaring election fraud and above all an honest look at why so many are leaving .
13 The partying does take its toll with most students spending six hours a week ASLEEP in the university library .
14 This particular flight can take its place with those of his boyhood heroes , Kingsford-Smith and Ulm .
15 Erm so there are these other forms of energy as well , erm nuclear power er will take its place along those , alongside those I 'm sure in the future er it does have its problems , the main problem is the possibility of er major accidents and many of you will remember the accident at Chernobyl in the , what was then the Soviet Union , it 's now the , now the er Ukraine erm when in nineteen eighty six the , there was a very serious accident and the er roof er blew off and er radioactivity was pumped into the er atmosphere .
16 The really interesting question is what will take its place in this vital prime time slot .
17 But instead — and with careful guidance — it should eventually take its place alongside other measures of credit cost as a useful tool for comparison , and as a warning signal where credit cost is really high .
18 Taking its cue from structural linguistics , it will concentrate on the signifiers at the expense of the signifieds .
19 Taking its title from this sober standard phrase of the modern obituary column , Norman Rene 's film is an attempt to assess the impact of AIDS on the gay community and at the same time to celebrate the very strong sense of pride and resolve which the disease has paradoxically fostered .
20 VICTORIOUS in America , the California Public Employees ' Retirement System ( Calpers ) is taking its campaign for better corporate governance abroad .
21 Iran would benefit from the squashing of Iraq by taking its place as regional superpower and master of the Gulf .
22 Third ( £200 ) was Downpatrick girl Lesley Martin ( 18 ) of the Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education , with an avant garde linen range taking its theme from medieval times .
23 The church took its name from that of an older church a little way off that was demolished to make way for the ramparts of the Porta Romana in 1532 .
24 The rider for the evening ( the biggest ever we can faithfully report ) disappeared in minutes and took its toll on certain partygoers .
25 The Manchurian winter took its toll on both sides .
26 Maddy 's birth took its toll in other ways too -especially on her dad .
27 In the broadest sense antislavery took its place with Smithite liberalism and Owenism , democratic radicalism and anti-Jacobinism as an aspect of a peculiarly intense self-scrutiny by a society conscious of the significant change it was undergoing .
28 The foreign ministry which took its place in that year had fifty-one in 1895 , ninety-two in 1911 and 146 when the monarchy collapsed in 1918 .
29 The second chapel became the meeting hall after the third one took its place in 1900 .
30 Radio Investments has taken its stake in Kent-based radio station Invicta Sound to 10.47 per cent through the purchase of another 1.39 per cent .
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