Example sentences of "take as [pron] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Languages of Ireland ’ , which runs from October 12 to 16 , takes as its theme the centenary of the founding of the Gaelic league and is a celebration of the rich diversity that currently exist in Irish writing .
2 Prague School semiotics deals with signs as first order systems and takes as its aim the analysis of signs and their relations as they are available to participants .
3 It takes as its baseline the previous attainment of the pupil and indicates what progress has been subsequently made .
4 Indeed , one of the justifications of private property takes as its premise the idea that property ownership confers power .
5 The chapter takes as its focus the work of Mary Whitehouse and the organisation with which she is most closely associated , the National Viewers ' and Listeners ' Association ( NVALA ) .
6 He takes as his starting-point the preconceptions of liberal legal and political theory , and suggests that they be pushed to their logical conclusion to fashion a programme for the reconstruction of the state and the rest of the large-scale institutional structure of society .
7 Theology must take as its starting-point the actuality of God 's self-revelation in Jesus Christ , disclosed to us by the Holy Spirit , and set its sights and adjust its compass by that .
8 It took as its title the poem by Paul Celan , Death Comes as a Master from Germany .
9 The family took as their emblem a ladder , hence the family name , hence the name of the church and hence the name of the opera house .
10 The mid-1960s saw the development of models of temporary equilibrium , which took as their starting-point the assumption that the initial values of relative and absolute prices were arbitrarily given in the short run .
11 Lawrence took as his theme the idea of change and cyclical recurrence in nature as a whole and in Job as representative of humanity .
12 One student took as his topic the study of public information documents issued by Ministries , for the benefit of ordinary citizens .
13 Taking as his theme the great rivers of the world , the Ganges , the Jordan , the Mississippi , the Clyde — and of course the Boyne — he weaves a tapestry evoking both sorrow and joy .
14 Taking as our example the range of Irish English perfect constructions , we find an absence of semantic isomorphism between any set of Irish English sentences and any semantically related set of standard English sentences which exemplify the range of perfect constructions .
15 Although most local authorities take as their priority the provision of services to their electorate , an appreciable minority have elected members whose priorities are concerned largely with the advancement of an ideology , a situation to which the streets of some London boroughs , for example , provide mute witness .
16 Whether we take as our measurement the crude birth rate or the net reproduction rate ( N.R.R. ) , this tendency is marked and continuous in most countries since the late 1880s .
17 Take as your aim the thorough understanding of that part being considered by your lecturer at the time you are studying .
18 Paralysed by fear of ‘ the progressive ’ , this stunted generation have chosen to take as their inspiration the sprightly , cramped insistence of The Monochrome Set , The Undertones , Girls at Our Best , rather than the stealth and reach of Can , Tim Buckley , Hendrix , Talking Head 's Remain in Light , PIL 's Metal Box , chosen to explore an emotional climate of suave nonchalance or at best pensive mawkishness , rather than denser and more elusive feelings ; chosen to prefer the banal clarity of ‘ communication ’ over the glare of revelation and the clouded vision of horror .
19 Another striking still by Don McCullin from Hamburger Hill ( 1987 ) , the only film to take as its subject an actual military operation of the war — Operation ‘ Apache Snow ’ in the A-Shau Valley in May 1969 .
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