Example sentences of "take their [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But a few hundred enthusiasts were all that was needed to make these dirty little flying mice a protected species , free to flit and , well , leave droppings , wherever it takes their fancy under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act .
2 Moving round the circle , the teacher faces each pupil in turn and takes their hand in a special handshake .
3 Each felt the need to study and take their work to a more intensive level following a year painting together from the life model at Piers Ottey 's studio .
4 These clubs did not necessarily take their sport in the spirit of fair play .
5 Next week some laureates will take their campaign to the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva , where their appeal is expected to be backed by other peace prize winners including former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev .
6 Thus large firms employ twice as many graduates , but perhaps more importantly they can take their pick of the best graduates from the best universities .
7 They would take their chance for the sale price of $380 million .
8 Multinational logging companies must also take their share of the blame for poor forest-management strategies in many developing countries , especially in Southeast Asia , where little heed is paid to conserving the remaining forest or to the effect of logging and heavy machinery on the soils .
9 They could take their money to the USA : about $27 billion left the country between 1976 and 1984 .
10 There was never any doubt that the shops would take their name from the labels in the clothes , which , it was hoped , loyal customers would recognize .
11 At the same time they should know how to order the right meal and whether , when work is done , they should take their client to the opera or a night club or let him go home .
12 The inevitable epidemics will take their toll in the camps .
13 ‘ They have no conception of any technology beyond level three , so we can take their account of a magical transposition less than literally .
14 Then they will take their place on the ship at Tilbury among the food , plants and livestock cargo .
15 A They would take their place in the order of succession after Princes William and Harry and their issue .
16 The prestige audience would be won over by movies that could take their place alongside the middle-class novel and play .
17 Some of these children , if they were given this attention over a two year period , could overcome this and go into the secondary school able to cope and take their place alongside the other children , and this is desperately important .
18 Increased leisure opportunities have meant that people can take their leisure during the week and leave Sunday as a day of rest .
19 Asked about grammar , the panelists strongly resisted confusions of singular and plural , as in ‘ anyone who is n't happy can take their grievance to the arbitrators ’ .
20 In public , McFarlane and North often gave the impression of patient negotiation with politicians who did not take their view on the contras .
21 Your screen and external devices , like modems , may take their power from the PC , but it will come directly from the PC 's power supply unit .
22 Chris Waddle 's club , who this week took their spending for the season so far to £14 million by signing the Nantes player Didier Deschamps , have signed agreements with four players which give them priority should they wish to sign any of them .
23 CAMPAIGNING nuclear workers took their message to the top earlier this month when a party of 48 travelled to lobby MPs at Westminster .
24 The students at Holy Cross took their share in the very considerable proof-reading , for we included collects , epistles and gospels , which had not been done except by reference in the earlier Burmese prayer books .
25 ABC are everywhere suits and irony hold sway ( Pet Shop Boys ) while Wet Wet Wet took their name from a lyric in Scritti 's ‘ Gettin' , Havin' and Holdin' .
26 The Maronites , who took their name from a fifth-century Syrian hermit , had emerged from the great division in the Byzantine Church over the single divine will of Christ .
27 His family took their name from a manor near Sheriff Hutton and held land within the lordship .
28 His family took their name from a manor near Sheriff Hutton and held land within the lordship .
29 The Tvdohlavi took their name from the Tvrdosijni ( strong backbone ) , a group of painters from 1920s cafe society who had met to explore the new artistic style of Cubism .
30 The distinctively marked Appaloosa ponies — the ‘ spotted horses ’ — took their name from the Palouse Indians , but were especially bred by the Nez Perce .
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