Example sentences of "take up an [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mum and Dad are no doubt just wishing he 'd take up an indoor sport instead .
2 Doctors for Tobacco Law will now take up an important role in the campaign , working closely with ASH , the British Medical Association , the Coronary Prevention Group , the British Heart Foundation and many other medical organisations .
3 Well at that particular time I was already on the council , I was doing family planning which took up an awful lot of my time .
4 Quite apart from all this , computers took up an awful lot of space .
5 That took up an awful lot of time in my second year , although it was good fun .
6 The woman took up an uncompromising stance on the doorstep , arms folded , chin raised .
7 Speaking on Jan. 19 , the Soviet President , Mikhail Gorbachev , took up an Austrian proposal for a UN-sponsored " international Green Cross " to help countries in " ecological distress " and for a UN force of " green berets " to intervene in ecological disasters .
8 Community development has to do with communities assuming greater control over their own lives and with people , both individually and collectively taking up an increased decision-making role in social life .
9 Frank stood up and , taking up an indignant posture , he placed one hand on his hip and pranced towards her , saying , ‘ No alcohol ever crosses my lips , apart from cooking sherry . ’
10 He returned to Edinburgh in 1859 , taking up an architectural post at the Royal Engineers ' Office , where he rebuilt Broughty Castle , Broughty Ferry ( 1860–1 ) .
11 Here was a case which had taken up an inordinate amount of time for no result , and here was I , some remote big-wig from the Home Office coming to cross.examine him about it .
12 You seem to take up an awful lot of energy and time .
13 for example , the manual labourer is unlikely to take up an energetic hobby such as cycling and he is likely to spend his holidays relaxing at the seaside rather than walking in the mountains .
14 Sub-headings seem to take up an inordinate amount of space ; do we really need separate headings for ‘ What is Tincture of Benzoin ’ , ‘ How to use Tincture of Benzoin ’ , ‘ How to carry Tincture of Benzoin ’ , and ‘ Where to buy Tincture of Benzoin ’ ?
15 Doctors encounter people who take up an undue amount of their time with trivial matters .
16 They also take up an extraordinary amount of memory , the four together gobble up 91K which is more than double that required by SideKick and a quarter as much again as Spotlight .
17 Individuals with more complicated problems , that do not easily fit into the overall structure of the programme , may either be neglected or take up an inappropriate amount of group time .
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