Example sentences of "take her place [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She greets Crilly coolly and takes her place on the floor beside Perry .
2 When the Queen takes her place in the Church of Christ the Cornerstone tomorrow , it will mean much more than the dedication of another place of worship .
3 Celeste Hinds , mother of a Down 's syndrome child , took her place at the rostrum , dominated overhead by SPUC 's ubiquitous emblem : the crying foetus .
4 Good-naturedly , she took her place at the end of the line and when Ernest was satisfied with the arrangements , he said : ‘ Watch the birdie ! ’
5 Huge tents , open-fronted , had been put up and the Empress came in state with all her ladies , veiled to the eyes , and took her place on the throne .
6 She opened the car door and when the child was seated she went round and took her place behind the wheel , then drove off .
7 She pushed open the glass door , muttered good morning , and took her place in the queue .
8 Grasping her conference handbook tightly , she took her place in the queue where , she had been told last night over supper , she ran the risk of being stripped and searched by an army of discharged traffic wardens .
9 Luckily , one of the participants had to withdraw at the last moment and taking her place on the team , I went off in search of sponsors .
10 Taking her place for the wedding breakfast , at the table that glistened with crystal , warm with red roses , she manfully ate her way through course after course of a meal prepared by top-class chefs , listened to the speeches , the congratulations , applauded , smiled , chatted with apparent good humour .
11 He had taken her place at the eyepiece of the instrument .
12 Hetty , who had taken her place in the shop , told Anne that two of her brothers who were Reservists had been called up .
13 Naturally , Hannah had to take her place on the Baldersdale treadmill , working to the orders of her uncle in the fields ( her father died when she was an infant ) and assisting her mother in the kitchen and wash house .
14 The Prince of Wales has offered to take her place at the service if necessary .
15 Aloud he said he would stay for another night and take her place on the constituency slate .
16 She would , as John Major knew , take her place on the platform on the Friday afternoon as was her due .
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