Example sentences of "take i for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You must take me for a fool !
2 Do you take me for a fool , child ? ’
3 ‘ You 're ordering me around again , if that 's what you mean , ’ she replied , ‘ and if you think I 'm going to trot obediently upstairs and take off all my clothes you must take me for a fool . ’
4 ‘ Do you take me for a fool , sir ? ’
5 ‘ Do you really take me for a fool ? ’
6 I 'll always honour and obey you , Harry , and I 'll do anything you say or go anywhere you want if you 'll only take me for a wife . "
7 Later that day , Mrs Knelle declared that she 'd take me for a drive , to see Ashford Castle , a local stately home that was now an hotel .
8 ‘ Do you take me for a highwayman ? ’
9 ‘ Could you take me for a spin through the country , and then on to Sligo ? ’
10 ‘ To look at me , no one would take me for the Miracle-Worker , ’ Gabriel persisted , and he grinned and rubbed his short head of hair which had barely grown long enough for a single curl .
11 I remember him taking me for a drive in his car when he told me the joyful news about his forthcoming marriage to Rosemary and feeling so happy that he was going to be happy .
12 Must have been the early 1940s , my mother taking me for a walk near Bostall Woods during a gap in the bombing .
13 Not just taking me for a ride ? ’
14 Yeah he 's not taking me for a ride or anything .
15 K : ‘ He took me for a pizza and we got on brilliantly from then . ’
16 It was late in the afternoon when we arrived , and Taylor took me for a drive through the town , which apart from the centre had been badly damaged .
17 She had told him lies about where Bella 's money was hidden , pretended to be fascinated when he had lied to her about spending the day with his father : ‘ We played golf together , then he took me for a ride in the new car .
18 Oh yes it 's , it 's been changed a lot and a , and er , it 's made such a difference and I 've met er , I 've got a er fr a very good friend who 's , who 's a Red Cross young man who I met at Leah Manning and he takes me out in the car which I would n't , never get out otherwise because my boys are all working you see they ca n't , they 're busy working and erm do shift work and security work , one 's got his own security business and the other one 's got a factory in Bishop 's Stortford so that they do n't get much chance , they work away , some of them do that they can not get to take me out see , so he takes me out , which he 's very , very good you know , he 's , yesterday he took me to erm , yesterday we , he took me to Ongar to see his sister in the bungalow and then he took me for a meal at erm The Chariot at er , at Brentwood , Brentwood , yes Brentwood The Chariot , it was quite nice I had rather , a good time , erm cos usually I ca n't get out unless I go out in the wheelchair you see I 'm confined to a wheelchair , though I struggle out into the kitchen with me two sticks and I 've got a stool in there that I do all my own cooking and I make cakes and that and I 'm doing a cake gon na make a cake for Christmas for me brother and make a cake , er another one for myself like , but , and then I go to my erm daughter-in-law 's to spend Christmas Day and then I , I 'm going to my son 's and spend Boxing Day which is my birthday , I 'll be seventy four on Boxing Day I 'm dreaded to say , yeah , but erm , this young man that takes me lives in Northbrooks , he 's er a widower , but he 's very , very good , he helps all us old people , you know , he 's ever so good he is to me , he comes up and brings my shopping today , does my shopping for me as well , so , well he 's , yes , he 's most kind , for , nearly two years I 've know him , that 's a photo over there , it was taken at a wedding look , of my , that 's it , over there , taken at a wedding dear , very good
19 Her owners , Greg , Ann and Ned Palmer , took me for a sail down the Orwell and out beyond Beach End buoy .
20 And then she quite confounded me by doing exactly what I advised , and I always thought she took me for a crank whose horse sense , if any , was a forced calm not to be heeded .
21 One day , after a particularly good school report , Father took me for a walk past a second-hand bookstore where I often browsed enviously .
22 Eventually I protested so Father Prior took me for a walk in the meadows and said I was to prove my worth with one final task . ’
23 Now let's says , big Helga says , take me for a Chinese , oh right dear , so half past seven B H , oh sorry this is , B H , Chinese , I might as well right the rest of the evening off .
24 take me for a prat of the first order
25 Take me for a ride on your travels nationwide ,
26 ‘ Every time you take me for a meal , it 's to a non-smoking restaurant , ’ said Bob in a somewhat annoyed tone .
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