Example sentences of "take [prep] [noun] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is a greater variety of descriptions to apply to the different areas this model takes into account outlying business districts which Burgess ' did not .
2 However , when one takes into account other safety legislation such as the Food Safety Act 1990 , Agriculture Act 1970 , Medicines Act 1968 , Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and the Road Traffic Acts 1972 and 1988 , these limitations are not significant .
3 Legends for thermometers : CPU Speed A measure of how fast the central Processor actually works — it takes into account all manner of computations .
4 Most people 's view of how technology alters the workplace barely takes into account this shift in the emphasis of who controls production .
5 Second , we assume that the study of strategic vision must take into consideration strategic content as well as the strategic contexts of product , market , issue , process , and organization .
6 These figures do not take into account irregular employment , and so those for unskilled labour in particular have to be treated with caution .
7 In other words , they must take into account another meaning of the word structure ( see page 70 ) in the sense that it is the basic framework fur the choreographic design .
8 The interest rates are calculated in the way required by the Consumer Credit Act and do not take into account any tax relief that could be gained for a home improvements loan .
9 I enclose a Statement showing the approximate sums involved in connection with your purchase but you will appreciate that these to do not take into account any apportionment of general and water rates .
10 Any study of the man and the period must locate and take into account this book .
11 Ministers should take on board this message from those of us who speak for people with whom we come into contact in our day-to-day work : something must be done about victimisation , and it must be done quickly .
12 The SCFW is required to show that the change in financial wealth represents the difference between the entity 's opening and closing equity for the period , after taking into account prior period adjustments and contributions from owners .
13 Whereas the 1967 Act allowed states to devise their own standards , taking into account federal advice , the 1970 Act empowered federal government to set uniform standards to apply to all states .
14 Erm and of course section fifty four A does admit or taking into considera taking into account other material considerations .
15 One can not understand Constanza 's actions without taking into account that side .
16 Guild of Bricklayers ’ judges visited over half of the original projects entered taking into account technical quality , cleanliness of the face , correct use of coloured bricks and particularly the quality of any special features , such as arches .
17 Age specific mortality was used throughout the study taking into account increasing age , but in Asians unlike Europeans this could not be adjusted for changing mortality rates from year to year as these data were unavailable .
18 The modelling of savings ( taking into account personal taxation , income transfers and superannuation ) is also to be undertaken .
19 The pension benefits are taxed , taking into account personal tax relief .
20 But if no decision has been taken either way , then the court should be free to decide on the merits , making the best decision for the future , though of course taking into account strategic consistency . "
21 We can immediately rule out the adiabatic HDM model as it predicts insufficient structure on small scales , even taking into account nonlinear evolution .
22 The IMF , however , taking into account another failure in the June test , suspended further drawdowns and negotiations commenced on the conditions for further assistance , expected to include a further devaluation .
23 If the Policyholder does not wish the item replaced but requests a cash settlement , we must make it clear that this is not really a policy entitlement and our offer should be restricted to the price it would have cost us to replace taking into account any discount we would have obtained .
24 Goods must meet the standard that a reasonable person would regard as acceptable , taking into account any description of the goods , the price ( if relevant ) and all other relevant circumstances .
25 Its reserves are included after taking into account any difference between the nominal value of its shares acquired by the group and the shares issued by the group to acquire them .
26 Earnings per share in the period were five p but after taking into account exceptional Carpet Right gain this is reduced to two point eight p and compares to last year 's pro forma earnings per share of one point four million which included losses on the closing down of our operations .
27 Such as that holiday you took in Spain last summer and who paid .
28 He had begun an impressive defence of the title he took in Rabat last year with a hat-trick of birdies .
29 Is not it time that the Government took on board that question and began to tackle the problem of loan sharks positively ?
30 So yes , we took on board robotic technology if you like , to reduce costs .
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