Example sentences of "take [pers pn] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That takes me up to Easter .
2 ‘ It is a question that takes me utterly by surprise as you obviously admire all this .
3 Takes me back to Scampton .
4 Well , he collects up the tapes from the tape-recorder and takes them downstairs to Mrs Padmore .
5 But if Mr 's argument is that windfalls and recycled land are as it were free of any environmental penalties and can be added to his thirty one thousand , then I think that er the way to treat that is to come to a higher number which takes them properly into account .
6 Rufus takes them on to step two : ‘ So he going to send a search party , is n't he ?
7 ‘ If A delivers goods to B on sale or return and B having received them immediately delivers them to C on sale or return , the reasonable time in the one case must , I think , be co-extensive with that in the other case and if that reasonable time elapses and C brings back the goods to B and B takes them back to A , everybody is acting within his rights , and it appears to me that property never passes … if under like circumstances A delivers goods to B and B delivers them to C in each case on sale or return and the reasonable time be , let us say , 14 days , and C after four days sells the goods or elects to buy the goods , I think property will have passed , because C will have done an act which renders it impossible for B to return the goods to A. ’
8 They have a streamlined routine — lunch at the Market Cafe on the same street as their house , a local barber and tailor — which never takes them far from home and avoids unprogrammed encounters .
9 I took your violets home with me and have them in a vase in my room , and Mrs Gracie the housekeeper ( who owns the pug ) takes them out at night as she says they poison the air when one is asleep .
10 This takes you up over Bwlch-y-Saethau , the Pass of the Arrows , where the battle with Mordred is actually supposed to have taken place .
11 Near the station of the cable railway which takes you up to Gabulowka for a lovely view across the town , there are Russians and other traders selling bric a brac in the open market .
12 If you are blind or physically disabled or your work regularly takes you away from home , you may qualify to vote by post or proxy for an indefinite period .
13 A ‘ train ride ’ takes you right into town where all the action is .
14 The ‘ Maid of the Mist ’ takes you closer to Niagara Falls
15 A short walk takes you down to Widemouth Beach one of Cornwall 's finest beaches with a vast expanse of sand , good bathing and wonderful surfing .
16 A small detour takes you down to Caniço de Baixa or Ponta da Oliveira where there is a small modern development ( mainly owned by Germans ) .
17 Dragging open a curtain to reveal an advancing line of emaciated near-cadavers in filth-caked concentration camp uniforms , he takes you back to Auschwitz .
18 ‘ What takes you back to Britain in the middle of a war ? ’
19 The final phase of your initial training takes you back to HMS Raleigh where you will learn things that only the Navy can teach you , such as field cookery in areas of natural disaster and practical experience of bulk cookery in our large galleys .
20 The Zwolferhorn gondola takes you directly from St Gilgen up to the top of the Zwolferhorn mountain .
21 But that movement to the east also takes you out of Béarn and into Bigorre , so any further description of it had better wait .
22 Embodying the alienation of the Westernized Latin-American intellectual , the protagonist of The Lost Steps , a musician resident in New York , recovers his lost identity as a man and as an artist when he undertakes an expedition to the jungles of the Orinoco , a journey that takes him backwards in time to a prehistoric world ; but his eventual return to civilization implies a recognition on Carpentier 's part that , for a twentieth-century Latin American , going back to one 's roots has to be compatible with the realities of the modern world .
23 Steve Astington says he was a rock climber and then moved over to marathons … this is his thirteenth … you have to put a lot of training in … he does them for the enjoyment it takes him away from life and all the stresses
24 His latest project takes him back to Hawaii , and Rick Batey finds out why …
25 If your saint is to remain here now , then even if Tutilo escapes the sheriff 's law , if Herluin takes him back to Ramsey they 'll make him pay through his skin for what he attempted and failed to bring to success .
26 Well absolutely I mean this is the way that things have always worked and the County Council makes a global assessment of requirements for a particular district and the district council then takes it forward with assumptions on small sites , windfall sites er and major allocations that they may be mad making .
27 It is also present in milk and eggs , and the body takes it in from exposure to sunshine as well , which is one reason why it is so important for the elderly to take outdoor exercise .
28 and then go sa sa straight on down that road as it takes us down onto Castle Lane to then turn off for Sarah 's .
29 A good example of how this perspective works takes us back to Pamela Fishman 's studies of ‘ interactional shitwork ’ .
30 But the plot takes us back to Paris and its police for the denouement of the story , and it is there that the real and menacing power is seen to reside .
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