Example sentences of "take [pers pn] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That takes me up to Easter .
2 ‘ It is a question that takes me utterly by surprise as you obviously admire all this .
3 But if Mr 's argument is that windfalls and recycled land are as it were free of any environmental penalties and can be added to his thirty one thousand , then I think that er the way to treat that is to come to a higher number which takes them properly into account .
4 Rufus takes them on to step two : ‘ So he going to send a search party , is n't he ?
5 They have a streamlined routine — lunch at the Market Cafe on the same street as their house , a local barber and tailor — which never takes them far from home and avoids unprogrammed encounters .
6 I took your violets home with me and have them in a vase in my room , and Mrs Gracie the housekeeper ( who owns the pug ) takes them out at night as she says they poison the air when one is asleep .
7 If you are blind or physically disabled or your work regularly takes you away from home , you may qualify to vote by post or proxy for an indefinite period .
8 A ‘ train ride ’ takes you right into town where all the action is .
9 Embodying the alienation of the Westernized Latin-American intellectual , the protagonist of The Lost Steps , a musician resident in New York , recovers his lost identity as a man and as an artist when he undertakes an expedition to the jungles of the Orinoco , a journey that takes him backwards in time to a prehistoric world ; but his eventual return to civilization implies a recognition on Carpentier 's part that , for a twentieth-century Latin American , going back to one 's roots has to be compatible with the realities of the modern world .
10 Steve Astington says he was a rock climber and then moved over to marathons … this is his thirteenth … you have to put a lot of training in … he does them for the enjoyment it takes him away from life and all the stresses
11 It is also present in milk and eggs , and the body takes it in from exposure to sunshine as well , which is one reason why it is so important for the elderly to take outdoor exercise .
12 This takes us back to appraisal methods .
13 ‘ It also takes us back to nature and our history when we were much closer to animals .
14 She has seen the improvement in Andrew when he went to the Exeter School.If the council does n't agree to send her other two sons there she 'll take them out of school .
15 give tutorial credence it ca n't just be assumed you can take them out of tutorial and it has stopped tremendously .
16 Do you take them out from time to time and gloat ? ’
17 The air was amazingly clear , as it often is after a wet day , and as they climbed the hill which would take them back to Pinehurst they could see , far ahead , the lights of several villages and one big town .
18 He came to the orphanage just after I went in there , and they let him take me out to tea .
19 Progress over the next two months or so should take me back to climbing .
20 if your work will take you away from home ;
21 I 'll take you on at seine netting .
22 Look , I 'll take you back to bed again and you try to get some sleep .
23 ‘ We 'll take you out for dinner , ’ Penny suggested .
24 ‘ Could I take you out to lunch ? ’
25 ‘ All right , I 'll take you out to lunch one day . ’
26 Laugh , Kate , and I 'll take you out to supper at this amusing little noodle shop I 've discovered in Chinatown .
27 ‘ You 're sure you wo n't let me take you out to dinner ?
28 " Let me take you out to dinner , " he said , " and we 'll forget about that unpleasant experience .
29 Will you let me take you out to dinner tomorrow in gratitude for what you 've done ? ’
30 It will bring you home , yes , but equally it will take you further from home than you have ever imagined .
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