Example sentences of "take [art] [noun] [to-vb] down " in BNC.

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1 There is the added irritation of having the picture interfered with and the screen takes a moment to settle down after a restart .
2 So many problems , worries and woes can be sorted out if only you 'd take the time to sit down and talk things through .
3 A fire at Block 2 of the Chernobyl nuclear power station on Oct. 11 was brought under control within four hours and no radiation occurred , but the block was shut down , and on Oct. 30 the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet took the decision to shut down Blocks 1 and 3 by 1993 — two years ahead of schedule .
4 There was some laughter and he took the opportunity to sit down .
5 Even the much-beloved soaps such as Coronation Street and Brookside took a while to settle down . ’
6 Civil Service have conceded fewer goals than any other team in the division , and had Howell not taken the decision to stand down from the top flight , he could have been elevated to the Scottish senior international training squad this summer .
7 If you are laying new insulation , take the opportunity to put down a vapour barrier of heavy-duty polythene sheeting over the loft floor first , if the plasterboard has no foil face .
8 It was going to be another unusually wind free day when islanders take the opportunity to tie down any loose facings and fencings before the furies of winter .
9 I think people give it away too much ; I do n't think they take the time to sit down and think about all aspects of being a creative person .
10 I think people give it away too much ; I do n't think they take the time to sit down and think about all aspects of being a creative person
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