Example sentences of "take [adv] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 However , by delegating authority to subordinates , the superior takes on the extra tasks of calling the subordinates to account for their decisions and performance , and also of coordinating the efforts of different subordinates .
2 When the character of Harlequin , the Comic Lover , had become familiar in England he was quickly promoted to lead the pantomimes ; nowhere in ballet does he rise to more commanding heights than as Captain Belaye in Cranko , s Pineapple Poll , where he takes on the superior airs and manners of the British Navy and becomes the apple of every girl 's eye .
3 Bourgeois ideology takes over the legitimizing functions of traditional society and thereby keeps power relations inaccessible to analysis and public consciousness .
4 ( If the limescale was indeed clumping together , this is what one might expect — a sand filter takes out the finest particles ) .
5 The vicar takes out the four balls and the waxman , Mr Tommy Temple , who has had the job since 1940 , carefully cuts away the wax and the names are read out .
6 This , then , takes farther the secret police parable of the first play .
7 The disease causes its victims to waste away and take on the sharp outlines of a statue with the shiny , sickly pallid hue of marble as the disease destroys them .
8 Under the name DNV Technica , the new company will take on the current operations of the Technica Group and the risk and reliability services of DNV .
9 Where this occurs in hard corals without the formulation of dividing walls the colony can , eventually , take on the convoluted patterns characterised by brain coral colonies .
10 Either way , it was asserted , the cost would approach £350 million and the whole project could take on the same proportions as providing London with its third airport .
11 Foreign labour was cheaper than Libyan , and it was excluded from the benefits of socialist legislation , in particular from the provision that workers could take over the private businesses for which they worked .
12 The district attorney system will take over the criminal prosecutions , and the corrupt philosophy of the contingency fee will pervade the whole system .
13 He would then take over the European Components ' planning activity when everything was centralised in Detroit .
14 ( 4 ) With effect from Jan. 1 , 1994 , the federation and the Länder named in Article 1 of this treaty as well as the Trust Agency shall take over the total debts which have accrued to the Special Fund up to Dec. 31 , 1993 , in accordance with Article 27 ( 3 ) ( concerning borrowing and debts ) of the Treaty of May 18 , 1990 , between the FRG and the GDR establishing a Monetary , Economic and Social Union …
15 However , the two cardinals who did take over the musical reforms the Pope 's young nephew Carlo Borromeo and Vitellozzo Vitellozzi were men of intelligence and culture .
16 The King of Ireland would take over the ceremonial duties of the Irish President , who is now nominally set over the Irish Prime Minister .
17 The poverty-stricken could then take over the deserted metropolises .
18 This I overplayed by spending too much time in the rear of the stalls watching rehearsals , and an assistant would take over the Royal deliveries .
19 It announced that it would not be concerned with the public sector and that it would not take over the extant SORPs from the Accounting Standards Committee .
20 I 'll know it 'll be he who 'll end up cassandring me , precisely in nomansland where the male gods will ever take over the pythian oracles , turning them into twittering spokespersons .
21 I shall take up the individual cases that the hon. Gentleman has brought to my attention and give as detailed an answer on them as possible .
22 My school grades would plummet , I 'd become virtually anorexic and I 'd take up the oddest hobbies to please my loved one .
23 But the day was saved by Everett , who agreed — after pressurizing his boss , Alastair Morton — that Guinness Mahon would take up the remaining shares .
24 A massive demonstration of trade union muscle on Saturday , when 5,000 placard-waving supporters gathered in the city square , heard the stakes in the dispute raised dramatically with a call to shut the factory for good if management did not take back the 340 strikers .
25 They did not deserve to be taken seriously because they did not take seriously the main currents of the culture they were attacking .
26 In my first six weeks here I had lots of battles — taking on the bigger ones .
27 An all-star field will take part in tonight 's Calor Gas Grand Prix in Ballymena town centre with riders from England , Scotland , Wales and the south taking on the local stars .
28 Trees are preparing for winter and their leaves are taking on the beautiful colours of autumn .
29 ‘ I enjoy taking on the big battalions , ’ he says .
30 I walked silently , testing every step I took on the rough paths , just as I had used to walk with my mother in the woods near Štanjel .
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