Example sentences of "take [prep] the [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It takes about the same time to do a simple drawing on a 2D machine as on a drawing board .
2 The basic idea can be captured in minutes and the total concept fully realised in , at most , a couple of hours , which is a lot faster than it takes for the same degree of finish to be achieved in any other medium .
3 The leaf area/weight was as efficient in the sense that it took about the same time to detect comparable differences .
4 Every chassemarée would have easily held 60 men and the landing would have taken about the same space of time …
5 In order to find out what the substantive law is , we must still go back to the time when Law and Equity were administered in different courts ; we may still have to picture to ourselves distinct proceedings taken about the same matter in those courts , and work out the result of those separate proceedings .
6 The authority had not found out about the incident involving the cadets at Leek until they were in hospital , but tests on the water taken about the same time showed toxics from algae present .
7 During the second day the professionals were taken through the same programme .
8 What safeguards have been taken against the same thing happening in Scotland ?
9 Measurements were taken in the same order at baseline , two hours after placebo or salmeterol , and 15 minutes after each dose of salbutamol .
10 moved and seconded must be accepted by the Chairman , unless it is frivolous or illegal , or covers the same ground as a motion on which a decision has already been taken in the same meeting .
11 A director of social work in another part of Scotland , consulted about the actions his authority would have taken in the same set of circumstances , said that before even considering removing children from home , he would have consulted family doctors .
12 Five 200 µl aliquots representing 2.56×10 6 lymphocytes were each placed in Krebs-Henseleit with a colonoscopic biopsy specimen taken from the same patient and metabolism measured as below for mucosal biopsy specimens .
13 Interestingly , dendrochronology can also demonstrate when the panels are taken from the same tree because of the close similarity of the ring patterns .
14 According to Lord Westbury , Handlist of Italian Cookery Books , Florence , 1963 , this work , attributed to Giovanni Rosselli , is in reality taken from the same Maestro Martino manuscript used in the earlier and better known De Honesta Voluptate by Bartolomeo Sacchi , printed in Venice in 1475 .
15 In some cases several samples were taken from the same object , but from different layers or areas .
16 In time these may dramatically change the view : Figure 6.36 is taken from the same point as Figure 6.34 , but in summer rather than winter and also one year later , some five years after the reconstruction of the road .
17 It 's impossible to see these spines growing , but easy to record their growth with a series of photographs taken from the same place over the course of a couple of months .
18 Competition with the same binding sites in F9 EC cell extracts is shown in tracks 2 and 3 ; tracks 1 to 5 were taken from the same experiment .
19 In twelve out of these thirteen , the donor bat was an ‘ old friend ’ of the starved victim , taken from the same cave ; in only one out of the thirteen cases was the starved victim fed by a ‘ new friend ’ , not taken from the same cave .
20 In twelve out of these thirteen , the donor bat was an ‘ old friend ’ of the starved victim , taken from the same cave ; in only one out of the thirteen cases was the starved victim fed by a ‘ new friend ’ , not taken from the same cave .
21 However , this investigation used collocations extracted from a domain-specific corpus , and test data taken from the same domain .
22 Each domain-dictionary achieved its highest z-score when used in the recognition of text taken from the same domain .
23 American scientists analysed samples of leaves taken from the same district .
24 But the girls were taken to the same nursery while their mothers rested .
25 He was taken to the same King 's Bench Prison in June 1810 to await his trial , not for debt but seditious libel in The Political Register .
26 You 're not taken to the same wing because they think you might fight again .
27 The driver was taken to the same hospital , but later moved to Wolverhampton for his own protection as angry relatives and friends of the girls ' families gathered in corridors .
28 Must be taken at the same time daily or no more than three hours late .
29 This may be an injection or , as is increasingly common , a number of tablets or capsules all to be taken at the same time .
30 NOTE Some drugs can be dangerous when they are taken at the same time as alcohol .
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