Example sentences of "take [noun] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 1984 , 59 takes part in a joint Circular Tour with a vintage Ribble bus , via Fleetwood , Knott End and Poulton .
2 Each department takes part in a six monthly review of its teaching quality based on the diary records , and Dr Pearson thinks that eventually the school would be able to move teaching contracts to where the good teaching is .
3 The Committee proposed to raise the maximum penalty for this offence to five years , but limited its recommendation to cases where D actively deceives V and failed to make any provision for cases where D takes advantage of a known mistake .
4 Each runs one of the restaurants , and also takes responsibility for a major functional area .
5 The grant of a right to park in a defined area takes effect as a legal easement ( Newman v Jones ( 1982 ) unreported ; London and Blenheim Estates v Ladbroke Retail Parks [ 1992 ] 1 WLR 1278 ) .
6 Coton 's plea is likely to cut no ice with Taylor as he takes England into a qualifying campaign for the 1994 World Cup finals .
7 Julie Wheelwright considers drag as a form of liberation , and Jane Mills takes issue with an anti-dieting moralist
8 Chris takes guard for a final chase
9 The arched openings provide access to a lightweight stair which takes visitors to a mezzanine level linking with the ground floor office space .
10 And once a week one of the waiters takes guests on a free guided walk .
11 What 's more , this detonation ( which takes place on a remote beach , with only a dog as witness ) does n't set fire to other parts of the novel .
12 An approach towards more coordinated wage negotiations has been made via the annual ‘ Spring Wage Offensive ’ which takes place on a nation-wide basis , and in which many unions participate .
13 For these reasons , a barter-based economy could not develop into a sophisticated modern economy in which the buying and selling of goods and services takes place on a continuous basis .
14 For example , much library work with students takes place on a one-to-one basis , and offers opportunities for a different adult/student relationship from that of the classroom .
15 The Commonwealth Tournament , which includes sides from Canada , Australia and New Zealand , takes place on a four-year cycle , and Britain has not lifted the trophy since it lasted hosted the event , at Ganton , in 1975 .
16 Assembly of engines takes place on a central jig , the radial being built-up , ‘ Christmas tree ’ fashion
17 If the dance takes place on a horizontal plane , then this waggled line will point directly at the food source .
18 1981 — AFTER a short engagement in which Charles demands that Diana call him Sir , the marriage takes place on a beautiful summer 's day on July 29 with a fairytale ceremony at St Paul 's cathederal .
19 The school might , for example , recommend that musical activity takes place on a weekly basis .
20 If profits have been rising that will increase tax payments as the Revenue can elect to reassess the two years preceding the tax year in which the cessation takes place on an actual basis .
21 Every time that sexual intercourse takes place with a new partner there is a risk that some disease will be passed on from one to the other and , with rare exceptions , there is no way of telling , by simply looking at a person , whether they have an infection or not .
22 This cleaning takes place at a definite cleaning station , usually by a large rock or near some other bold feature on the sea bed .
23 It has been argued by Clegg ( 1976 ) that in terms of the causal direction of the relationship it is the level of bargaining which determines the degree of centralisation , with the result that power is decentralised within organisations when bargaining takes place at a decentralised level , and vice versa .
24 The second method for regeneration to be initiated is by a time clock , so that it takes place at a convenient time such as during the night .
25 ( An event in this sense is something that takes place at a single point in space , at a specified point in time . )
26 This suggests that this counting on of steps takes place at an unconscious , neural level .
27 The story takes place at an unspecified date but clearly in the years immediately before the First World War .
28 Out takes place at an unspecified time several decades after the unexplained but presumably cataclysmic event known as the ‘ displacement ’ .
29 6a No scenes in which carnal connection takes place between a human being and an animal .
30 takes place during a particular period and in a particular environment .
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