Example sentences of "take [noun] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Like Powdermaker ( 1967 ) , who recorded fieldnotes in Mississippi only when she was away from her field data , I found I only took notes at the time if I was willing to risk begin interrogated about what I was going to do with the information I was recording .
2 What took place around the time of the lunar eclipse in Aquarius on August 6th and again on the 18th , when both Venus and Jupiter were eclipsed by the Moon in your opposite sign of Leo , seems to have upset the applecart .
3 However , if you are a typical Piscean , then unexpected events or developments which took place around the time of the lunar eclipse in Aquarius on August 6th should have made you realise that you are now going through a phase when you must take certain drastic actions to safeguard your long-term comfort and security .
4 What took place around the time of the lunar eclipse on August 6th must have made you wonder what possessed you to enter into one particular agreement .
5 The meeting with Picasso , which probably took place around the time this picture was being painted or soon after , must have encouraged him in turning his back completely on Fauvism .
6 On the one hand , the Church of England had managed to insult and harass its lesbian and gay members ( it is not known how many left in disgust ) , and had helped to justify to the public the upsurge in homophobic discrimination and violence which was taking place at the time .
7 So there is a negative segregation against difficult or disturbed sufferers , taking place at the time of the assessment .
8 Patients taking sulphasalazine at the time of onset of relapse continued on this drug .
9 Eilish McDermott , QC , appearing for Doherty , submitted ‘ natural justice ’ required that — taking account of the time he spent in jail in the US — Doherty should have been given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State .
10 I took account of the time .
11 I can only really remember one occasion when my husband knew that I was I was taking Pills at the time , I think I took about twenty eight in one night .
12 Take notes at the time , so you remember the facts .
13 Irving Fisher 's version of the quantity theory can be explained in terms of the following ‘ equation of exchange ’ : where M is the nominal stock of money in circulation and V is the transactions velocity of circulation of money ( that is , the average number of times the given quantity of money changes hands in transactions ) ; P is the average price of all transactions and T is the number of transactions that take place during the time period .
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