Example sentences of "know [that] [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Does the Minister know that while the number of jobs went down and unemployment went up , crime in the county of Leicestershire rose by more than one third over the past 12 months , nearly double the national rate , but the chief constable has said that in the next year the force can spend £1 million less ?
2 Does he know that since the Chancellor and the Prime Minister came to office , some 30,000 jobs , on average , have been lost every working day ?
3 Nor could those people know that after the combat generals had moved further East into Russia that their authority over the civilian population would fall to the hands of Erich Koch , drafted to Kiev to head the Reichskommissariat .
4 I do know that when a marriage , or a circumcision , or any other outstanding function took place — including meetings and large birthday parties — our big room was the venue .
5 Did you know that if a man
6 Do you know that if a dog licks their urine , it can catch something called leptospirosis , which is very , very dangerous . ’
7 You 'd know that if the hairdresser came how they want it styled .
8 He was wearing an Ultimate Climbers ' Helmet and you will be glad to know that although the helmet sustained considerable damage , Stuart had no head injuries .
9 In his sixth and final campaign speech on March 13 , in the town of Cottbus , north-east of Dresden , Kohl declared : " We want savers to know that when the change in currency comes it will be at one-to-one for them .
10 Whether the lust for gold had mastered us , whether a hatred of the thieves suffused our outlook , whether their attempts to thwart it had not toughened our resolve I can not say : but I know that after the bomb had been thrown into our midst , we would , one and all , have died in agony rather than let the treasure fall into the enemy 's hands .
11 They also know that once a person joins a bank , in most cases , they do so for life .
12 You also know that when a company like Hewlett-Packard announces that inkjet technology is the largest research and development project it has ever undertaken — except for RISC processors — the technology has a bright future .
13 The interesting , though not necessarily plausible , feature of this result is that firms know that when the price falls below the critical level this is due to a random shock , because they know it pays no one to cheat , but nevertheless they must still go into the punishment phase to enforce the collusive agreement .
14 So I know that when the gardening starts again I 'm going to get backaches and cramp and everything else until er the body gets used to it again .
15 I know that when the person who was doing this
16 ‘ And I know that when the pressure is on , I can get up and take a 20-minute walk around the reserve and come back again .
17 You know that if the score 's above the mean do n't worry , I 've got an overhead for this , that 's if the score 's above the mean then i you know relatively speaking to the mean it 's high right ?
18 They know that if an item has the Royal Navy 's endorsement it is bound to be of good quality .
19 No details were given about the content of the comments , unlike those of the previous consultation on the PREPP recommendations , but it is known that while the community proposals had the broad backing of nursing unions and organisations , all had some reservations , and these have not been addressed .
20 Their importance to the level of employment at the port was recognised by the journeymen carpenters who in 1792 let it be known that if the slave trade were abolished they would riot and pull down the houses of leading abolitionists .
21 Scalars and vectors are in fact the simplest types of tensors , and from SR it is well known that if an equality can be proved between vectors ( or scalars ) in one inertial frame then the equality remains true under Lorentz transformations to other inertial frames .
22 And , needing desperately to defend her grandfather , she added weakly , ‘ Knowing he was too old for her , knowing that when the child grew up it would need a younger father … ’
23 She lay perfectly still , knowing that when the light , filmy shift settled over her body it revealed more than it hid .
24 So Nicky Fairbairn , Jo Beltrami and Paddy Meehan travelled to Edinburgh , and to the court where Oscar Slater had been wrongly convicted nearly fifty years before , all of them knowing that when the charge was read and Meehan formally pleaded Not Guilty , he was speaking no less than the truth .
25 ‘ You are being very naughty , ’ McAllister whispered back , pretending to be severe , ‘ and the only thing that I can say in your favour is that I am in nearly as bad a way as you are , and know exactly how you feel — but be patient , it can not be long now , ’ for she knew that once the bazaar was over , and she was at last able to tell him the truth , they could go ahead with their marriage plans , the only delaying thing being the time it would take Mama and Papa to cross the Atlantic .
26 She knew that although the shop stocked a few overalls and smocks and even some children 's clothes and sheepskin jackets , it was the long dresses with their wonderfully romantic feel and yards of material in the skirts , that the cognoscenti came to buy .
27 He had seen Caballeros make his 3 and knew that unless the Spaniard cracked he would need to finish with two birdies himself .
28 She saw him cross impetuously to his wife , lift her bodily by the waist , and kiss her heartily ; and she knew that before the latch clashed into place they were in each other 's arms .
29 It was because she knew that before the month was out she would have said a permanent goodbye to him that she was greedy to spend as much time with him as she could now .
30 You knew that as the child would , in a moment , move towards the edge of the cliff so , too , would the beautiful angel of God .
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