Example sentences of "time [coord] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps there is some activity you have often thought you would try ‘ sometime ’ : Is now the opportunity to begin dog-training , Jogging , meditation , writing to The Times or writing for the radio ?
2 When a sudden shock wave pressurises water captured in the pores between soil particles , there is no time or place for the water to move : the high pressure pushes the soil particles apart .
3 Coupons , contained within the pack , may be collected over time and exchanged for a variety of products in a catalogue .
4 They are doubly attracted when it is clear to them that any movement will be all one way , and where all they have to do is to bide their time and wait for the inevitable profits .
5 Held , allowing the appeal , that section 69(1) of the Housing Act 1985 imposed a duty on housing authorities to exercise their discretion in deciding what constituted suitable accommodation for persons whom they had a duty to house under section 65(2) of the Act ; that any decision on suitability necessarily depended on the circumstances prevailing at the time and called for a subjective judgment by a housing authority to be made before the performance of the executive act of securing suitable accommodation for an applicant ; and that the duty imposed by section 69(1) was to be exercised by housing authorities subject only to challenge by way of proceedings for judicial review in the High Court , and not on their merits by an action in the county court ( post , pp. 213E–H , 214B–C , 218A–C ) .
6 The government argued that this was due to loans from foreign aid donors not being paid on time and appealed for a waiver of the test .
7 When the rest of the crowd turned out at closing time and headed for the Floral Gardens with their carry-outs , Tich bedded down for the night in the public lavatory on the other side of the railway bridge .
8 He can not write for the papers or take part in television programmes and his sole opportunities in public are sharing the replies at question time and answering for the government in adjournment and sometimes in wider debates which concern his ministry .
9 ( g ) Adjournment The court may adjourn proceedings at any stage and may fix a date , time and place for the resumed hearing or leave this to be determined at a later date .
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