Example sentences of "time [pers pn] have [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Funny I 've never seen it before , the times I 've been in your Gran 's house , ’ he said .
2 he wo n't let them talk , it 's disgusting , I tell ya , you know , no end of times I 've been in there and it 's obvious we 're waiting for chips
3 My final comment is that loadings on the Central Wales line seem fairly light at present , judging by the two or three times I have been on it lately .
4 Nervous , perhaps , on edge maybe , because it seemed to her that she would have to keep her wits about her unless she wanted this outing to end up as fruitless as the other times she had been in his company .
5 The box should give an indication of the number of times you have been in touch personally while nature and content can be filled in through what you enter in the rest of the sections space .
6 So I bought her some fruit pastilles again just while we were waiting for the train , but funnily enough , the last few times we 've been at the station , Bobby
7 then also er a talk with the dep about what he 's gon na say , and I 'm gon na put at the beginning please do not refer to this as being prepared for you , that 's two times he 's been to a launch and said that and he do n't give it such a spontaneous thing , so er I did meet him and tell him
8 This was the first time I had been to the house and it seemed enormous .
9 Last time I had been to Paris they had rescued me from the freezing streets and hungry wolf packs . )
10 The last time I had been on Shunner Fell two years previously I had been walking the Pennine Way and had left Tan Hill on a rainy June day , with heavy clouds following me south as I travelled .
11 I knew that when at last I was demobilised from the Waaf I would have to return to my peacetime occupation as a secretary in London , for the simple reason that my employers had been paying me my full salary all the time I had been in the Forces , that is , making up the difference between my Waaf pay and what I would have been earning with them .
12 Many 's the time I 've been with people whose eyes glazed over when I 've said I was a feminist and I 've done the same with people who say they love to play golf .
13 And then erm I was at home for a while , and then I was living with friends in Birmingham , and in , in between time I 've been to Leeds and London .
14 It 's the first time I 've been to a game of footie in a Porsche , and it will probably be the last , but it was fun , and added to the enjoyment of another thoroughly enjoyable day out Leeds watching .
15 ‘ As this is the first time I 've been to Ca ’ del Leone , the answer must be no . ’
16 Every time I 've been to a wedding and people in cravats are all the same .
17 he said he 'd been through recently , oh every time I 've been through Wolverhampton that ring road 's been awful the traffic like
18 So that was the time I 've been before a recorder .
19 I have to say this is the first time I 've been in this position since I took over . ’
20 Every other time I 've been in somebody 's flat like this I 've known where I am by the books . ’
21 This was the first time I 'd been into a prison and a number of things struck me during the day .
22 It was difficult — you know , first time I 'd been in charge .
23 Well I , I did nothing , I did nothing you see because erm , by the time I 'd been in the bathroom done the sandwiches
24 Every time I have been to the Jobcentre it 's been a waste of time .
25 Every year several of the participants have said to me , ‘ I have been studying in Britain for a year , but this is the first time I have been inside a British home ’ .
26 … Every time I have been in Annat since , I have remembered this further demonstration of Highland hospitality by people obviously poor in everything except the warmth of their welcome for strangers .
27 But I think I may have to extend it — just like the politicians — because I have n't achieved anything in all the time I have been in my new home .
28 ‘ No , but it is not the first time I have been in such a situation .
29 The last time she had been to the office she had been confined in a poky little interview room near the editor 's office , but she hoped to avoid that fate this time .
30 In all the time she had been with her Paula had never seen her so angry .
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