Example sentences of "time [pers pn] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In troubled times I go into a church and sit alone , rather than go to Mass every day . ’
2 In troubled times I go into a church and sit alone , rather than go to Mass every day . ’
3 ‘ At times I feel like a socket that remembers its tooth ’ , he writes , trying to retain some sense of the world even as he prepares to leave it .
4 Military commanders sometimes push a salient forward but at other times they advance on a broad front .
5 Sometimes , Spiller explained , the grating slid easily , at other times it stuck at an angle .
6 At times it got beyond a joke .
7 Some times it looks like an old woman with a large hooked nose , at other times like a charming young lady with her face turned away over her right shoulder .
8 Actually , the Financial Times it comes in a completely different position to erm , the Independent and , and , and the Guardian and even the Telegraph .
9 Around that time I came across a dog-eared treatise on the 1968 student uprisings , in particular the LSE sit-in .
10 The last time I went for a smear and a blood pressure check and various things sh I , I said are you doing cholesterol checks ?
11 It reminds me of the time I went to a school in Clevedon to interview one of the masters , David Bryant , who was the greatest bowls player in the world and a star in his own right .
12 ‘ That 's the last time I charge into an unknown room , ’ panted Wednesday .
13 This time I chanced upon a passage where the writer was awakened from his narcotic slumbers by a knocking at his cottage door :
14 She said : ‘ The first time I heard of a case I could not believe it .
15 Interviewed shortly after the experience by an unknown reporter underneath the bed , she gasped : ‘ God , I was so excited , it reminded me of when I was 13 , of the first time I looked at an unwrapped tampon .
16 ‘ I could n't see anything last time I looked in a mirror . ’
17 On the other hand , there was something unbeatably creepy about the time I walked into a man 's bathroom at the very beginning of an affair and saw a bottle of ‘ scruffing lotion ’ by his basin .
18 Every time I go into a new archive I just ca n't believe what I 'm discovering .
19 Every time I go through a lean spell I 've lost a yard ; every time I score a goal it means I 'm over the hepatitis .
20 Every time I go for a wee I en she comes with me and pulls a load off to bloody blow her nose !
21 three million books on the shelve , and we do n't have time going properly at the price so we go anything you want , bung it on the trolley and soon as the trolleys full it 's taken away and another one given , and you poke around and then in the evening , you stay in a hotel overnight , and then the following morning , they get and you just sort of send up the money and they just shout up the money as we go , then , every time I get to a thousand they say one , two , and you say right , tell me when I get near three , and I 've got this erm , I 'm dreadful at maths , I failed maths O Level three times and I do n't think about prices , I 've never been more than fifteen pounds out .
22 I start browsing out of a sense of duty to begin with , and drench myself with showers of settled rainwater every time I reach into a bush .
23 Half the time I felt like a vicious little whore and the other half like the heroine of a nineteenth-century novel .
24 The first time I read about a sex change something happened deep inside me : all my vague feelings about being a girl found a focus even though all the stories were about men who became ’ .
25 At the present time I have in a total of fourteen patrol constables and two community constables and , as you are aware , I have two community constables here in , and .
26 Most of the time I work behind a desk and have to wear smart clothes and have long nails and a nice hair-do .
27 Certainly I always tried to remember the shocking effect which the sight of so many old prisoners , some of them bearded , all of them strangely dressed , had had on me the first time I arrived in a main camp .
28 ‘ For four years before being appointed full time I sat as a recorder so I have really been sitting in the crown court for 17 years , ’ said Mr Hewitt , whose work on the North Eastern Circuit has taken him to courts from Humberside to the Scottish and Lancashire borders .
29 ‘ It 's about the time I turned into a pig ! ’ he said .
30 Kids bring out the natural father in me and I get a crinkly mouth every time I look at an ankle snapper .
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