Example sentences of "up [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I groped for its neighbour , found it , ducked through the gap and up on to the curved deck of the treadmill .
2 She jumped the last stone , up on to the fern-covered bank .
3 Hands tugged at the German and helped him up on to the narrow ledge .
4 Wedges of oceanic crust are thrust up on to the overlying sediments of the subduction zone and uplift ensues ( Fig. 3.16 ) .
5 Her small hand grasped his , and he drew her up on to the low walkway .
6 She climbed up on to the rickety driving platform , which had been made by tying a plank across the cab .
7 Even when the police car was able to surge up on to the elevated section of the motorway at Chiswick , the stream of traffic moved no faster and the Jaguar continued to glow in Dexter 's headlamps .
8 Gaily heaved and hitched himself up on to the high stool , shoving the bag of laundry between his feet once more .
9 It was a fine summer morning when they left and , avoiding the roads as much as possible , made their way up on to the high muirs on the Lanarkshire/Ayrshire boundary , intending to travel direct towards Priesthill and hoping to take John Browne by surprise .
10 We presumed this to be a regular ford and drove across with the water slopping in over the floor of the Land rover , but we eventually made it up on to the high inland plateau .
11 I can not remember just what purpose had taken me up on to the top floor of the house to where the row of guest bedrooms line the corridor .
12 There is also a highly scenic road which you can take up on to the open ski grounds and expansive prospects of Hautacam .
13 Then the boat was moored and Tsu Ma was handing the girls up on to the wooden jetty , the soft rustle of their silks as they disembarked seeming , for that brief moment , to merge with the silken darkness of the night and the sweetness of their perfume .
14 Swinging her boots up on to the Indian bedspread to indicate her lack of concern .
15 He emptied his mind , he walked like an automaton up on to the green ride , seeing at the end of it the cameo of stacked meadows , segments of wood , a church tower .
16 A shallow ramp , suitable for transporting wheelbarrows , will be provided from the waste land south of the Brunstane Bowling Green up on to the old railway embankment .
17 For a moment it seemed as though it had tapped some hidden reserve of strength and would ease itself up on to the opposite bank , and escape into the forest .
18 Other scullions were running in with ladders and lengths of rope , climbing up on to the big stove and scrambling up to the messy lip of the vat in which , judging by the amount of splashing and screaming , the small attendant still survived .
19 ‘ How dare you come barging into my room without knocking ? ’ she gasped , scrambling up on to the rumpled counterpane , two hands going up to her blonde hair as she felt his gaze take a rapid inventory of her voluptuous disarray .
20 They 'd gone through the big field and up on to the common and the slope beyond which was where the wall was , half-ruined and easier to jump because of the gaps .
21 The waiters ' spoons dig up down up down in the great trifle on the world-famous dessert trolley .
22 Those with proven allergies , such as asthma or eczema , may show other symptoms that most self-respecting allergists would have nothing to do with — hyperactivity , for example , or muscle aches. if these clear up along with the allergic symptoms when certain foods are withdrawn , then is it allergy or intolerance ?
23 Then I get up out of the creaking seat and stretch my legs , taking my glass over to the floor-to-ceiling windows which form one wall of the ballroom and look out over the gardens to the railway line and the shore of the loch .
24 Rory got up out of the creaking wooden seat and walked unsteadily over to where Fergus lay on the bare wooden floorboards , head against the ancient , burst couch .
25 Pete 's sea , the sea around the oil-rig , was grey , surely , up there in the cold : metallic and swelling , full of menace , fog drifting over the water , wreaths of mist obscuring the long , iron joints , the hard angles sticking up out of the ice-cold darkness of the waves .
26 We keep ourselves to ourselves , Joan and I. There was a frightful nosy American in the summer who just turned up out of the blue and told us how honoured we must be , having the old bat 's relics up here .
27 He just showed up out of the blue one day while Nathan was working .
28 Then , nine months of gestation later , an opportunity crops up out of the blue , or so it seems .
29 You pop up out of the blue and expect me to drop everything , just like that .
30 Precious moments of light relief came when a couple of friends would turn up out of the blue and say , ‘ Come to the Indian Restaurant ’ .
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