Example sentences of "up [art] most [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This theme — the need to be fair to ‘ the majority ’ — emerges again and again in this document 's defence of the rule , and bolsters up the most tenuous arguments .
2 What I have always said is that way you set up supervision behind the programme is the most crucial , so therefore if I can sit down and help them to set up the most strenuous type of supervision to go along with the equipment , then they feel safe and the community feel safer that none of them will go out and commit another crime .
3 right , you go upstairs , pick up the most expensive article they 've got and then you go downstairs to the customer relations department and say I bought this article yesterday and say , and , and I 'm afraid
4 They discover , however , that the logic of narrative is far less rigorous and relies far more on individual taste : ‘ … it seems harder to tell a story , even our own , than to make up the most complex program .
5 None of this suggested that the English would go forward to build up the most wide-ranging empire that the world had ever seen , and even if Hakluyt had added that the English had made some attempts to settle in North America and had organized themselves for trade in the East Indies he would not have much altered the case .
6 Apart from that , life had taught her to pry because sometimes doing so turned up the most surprising things .
7 Most hotels and similar venues have tracking spotlights and if you have plenty of set-up time , you should be able to cheer up the most basic hotel meeting room .
8 One nineteenth century account of him reads : ‘ Strong minded but very illiterate … he made all his calculations by the strength of his memory , and was equally at a loss to explain what he had conceived to any other person , and from being lowly educated he had no means of conveying to paper his designs , yet would cast up the most intricate accounts in his head without difficulty or error . ’
9 Under this , the EPA is responsible for cleaning up the most contaminated sites and then recovering the cost from the bodies held responsible for the contamination .
10 And our survey shows up the most important variation — the overall costs to you , the customer .
11 well then my Lord ah my Lord not all objective criteria and this I think is very important because you can have objective criterias as I , as I submitted last week that would be erm in order to trade in this market you must have capital of twenty million pounds and ten years experience , but that 's uniform rule , it does n't discriminate it 's objective , but it would be anti competitive because here you are setting up the most important market er in this , erm as they say in Europe for the project futures market and you 're excluding people who could be in there trading and who could be effecting the market
12 RIXI MARKUS , who has died aged 81 , was the first woman in the world to become a bridge grandmaster , and with the late Fritzi Gordon made up the most formidable women 's bridge partnership in the world .
13 Until a moment of madness by Bruce , the United stand-in captain , Alex Ferguson 's side appeared likely to open up the most significant lead in this topsy turvy title race .
14 Certainly , if I were a script writer , and I had to think up the most inappropriate name for a girl dressed as a man , the above tendencies would lead me to choose a monosyllabic form , using a closed syllable , ending in a consonant as far away from a continuant as I can find — a plosive — and with a vowel as far away from /i/ as I can find , such as /a/ or /o/ .
15 Built in 1864 — 71 , Thoresby was one of the famous Nottinghamshire ‘ Dukeries ’ that 100 years ago made up the most illustrious group of houses in Britain .
16 We must have wanted to come here : to do so , I gave up a most coveted job , that of editor in chief of American Esquire .
17 She apologises for her simplicity , giving a busy woman 's reason : ‘ T is true I write in shortened measure , Because I scrawl but at my leisure ; For why ? — sublimity of style Takes up a most prodigious while
18 Tug of Gold 's stablemate Baydon Star put up a most taking performance on his debut for David Nicholson at Ascot a fortnight ago , beating Cadency in style over an inadequate trip .
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