Example sentences of "up [prep] [pers pn] in the " in BNC.

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1 You remember how Rosamund Coldharbour set you up for him in the matter of typing that sermon ? ’
2 The bloke has lost all respect from me — and fuck knows have I stood up for him in the past .
3 Rebel Ruddock emerged as the players ' spokesman for Venables , speaking up for him in the High Court yesterday , having already slapped in a transfer request to Sugar .
4 The invasion of Panama , curiously summed up for her in the shape of Chinook helicopters , had served as a convenient diversion .
5 This is what enables us in historical study to bridge the gulf between the present and the past , to enter into the experience and awareness which are opened up for us in the thoughts , beliefs , practices and social customs and institutions of other times and other cultures .
6 cos you get fed up of them in the end
7 When the car goes wrong , who ends up underneath it in the snow ?
8 One afternoon after tennis I was sitting on a drawing-room sofa at Bemersyde when Dawyck 's dog , a long black cocker spaniel called Wasp , came and nuzzled up against me in the most friendly manner .
9 So what if he did n't want to spend the day cooped up with her in the bedroom , only emerging when hunger demanded that their stomachs be fed ?
10 But as they were returning with all speed , Rodrigo of Bivar raised the country , and came up with them in the mountains of Oca , and fell upon them and discomfited them , and won back all their booty , and took all the five Kings prisoners .
11 ‘ We 're doing them a favour because legislation will catch up with them in the end .
12 Like Chance Wayne when you watch that scene in the film , he made you just want to wake up with him in the room , wake up with him in the bed beside you .
13 Like Chance Wayne when you watch that scene in the film , he made you just want to wake up with him in the room , wake up with him in the bed beside you .
14 Botham 's recall took many by surprise after age and injuries appeared to catch up with him in the Test series .
15 Charles caught up with him in the Green Room .
16 Can you give me some idea of erm h how you started up with him in the first place ?
17 You 'll come up with me in the Land Rover .
18 ‘ I 'll straighten up with you in the pub . ’
19 Eventually , though , it will catch up with you in the form of self-loathing , as the pounds pile themselves on and you possibly curb your social life , and , moreover , endanger your health .
20 Eternal damnation for ever getting tied up with you in the first place ? ’
21 They catch up with you in the end .
22 But maybe it was the way he was looking across at her with those all-seeing predatory jet-black eyes of his , or maybe it was the way she felt just a bit claustrophobic at being shut up beside him in the narrow confines of the car and the desire that sparked in her to have this ordeal over quickly , but all at once an idea popped into her head .
23 The trees had grown up beside it in the twenty-five years since the railway had closed , and the boy stopped every now and then to watch small birds hopping around the top branches .
24 I thought you might panic if I suddenly loomed up beside you in the darkness . ’
25 I explained , as gently as possible , that my mother was very old-fashioned and always checked up on me in the morning .
26 ‘ Then we come up on me in the studio .
27 ‘ When I check up on him in the morning he asks for you .
28 ‘ I gave up on you in the end and bought some myself . ’
29 Mr and Mrs Is-the-Mitsubishi-Scratched-Yet went up to her in the street and pressed her hands between theirs .
30 I hope he makes it up to her in the end .
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