Example sentences of "up [prep] [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And I used to take 'em round the pubs and put 'em up for raffles for Christmas .
2 Take correcting and the locking up of formes for instance : Margaret Irwin regarded women as precluded from some of these tasks by physical incapacity .
3 The first is the willingness to mount genuine experimental projects ( as distinct from ‘ trial ’ or ‘ experimental ’ schools in curriculum projects committed from the very start to widespread implementation ) , the second the building up of machinery for curriculum development at local level .
4 In the first place the setting up of machinery for examination and selection predates the creation of means to plan and develop curriculum .
5 The living room has to house some or all of these things and if it 's used for eating has to come up with storage for china , glass and cutlery too .
6 The BBC kept up with demand for Pole to Pole .
7 Although there is a school of thought that , if the vendor is besieged with questions , its management will be too occupied to negotiate with anyone other than the purchaser , it is important to consider who is operating the business if the full time attention of senior management is taken up with demands for information .
8 During the last 12 months I have been very encouraged with the way you have continued to work effectively — meeting deadlines that seemed impossible and coming up with ideas for cost savings within your own departments .
9 They were coming up with ideas for advertising on London Transport , in newspapers , contacting people they knew with professional PR experience , people in the media .
10 And on that then er how is the actual work of the farm broken up into acreages for silage or barley or whatever ?
11 Mr Heseltine has been forced to pull out of a Birmingham conference on global technology today as a contingency to allow the final details to be tied up in time for presentation to the Cabinet .
12 The Queen , Queen Mother and Princes William , 10 , and Harry , eight , also turned up in time for lunch in the royal shooting lodge .
13 Erm I think it 's also now pretty much common ground that the capacity of York city is around three thousand three hundred , but I think in in in taking an view on that , and in taking any view o on future windfalls , it is necessary for the panel to keep in mind that historically in the nineteen eighties windfalls were coming through at a time when it was not a adopted local plan for the city of York , so to some extent anything by definition of a substantial size was likely to be a windfall , erm , but also more to the point than that definitional point , I would expect to see , and I think what Mr Curtis has said earlier on that the local plan is likely to tighten up on criteria for release of sites , both small and large , he referred to the shortage of open space , and I would expect to see a policy change in short , a policy climate change , within the city of York that would constrain past historical rates of windfall release .
14 Up to £125 for emergency repairs ( including labour costs and towage but excluding the cost of parts ) to enable you to continue your journey .
15 To fish without a licence is illegal and anglers may pay up to £30 for training which covers everything from fish diseases to different kinds of aquatic weed .
16 In the event of the Insured Person being deprived of baggage for at least 12 hours from the time of arrival at holiday destination due to delay or misdirection in delivery , the Norwich Union will pay to the Insured Person an amount of up to £75 for emergency purchase of essential items of clothing and requisites subject to certification of such delay , misdirection and expenditure by the HCI Representative .
17 If the death penalty were abolished it would be possible either to substitute a fixed penalty of imprisonment for life or to give the Judge discretion to pass sentence of any term up to imprisonment for life .
18 Downing Corporate Finance ( 071–411 4700 ) aims to raise up to £5m for House the Homeless of London ( Greenwich ) under the BES .
19 Up to £600 for alternative travel expenses ( including car hire ) and up to £400 for emergency hotel and food expenses if your vehicle is off the road for eight hours or more following a breakdown , accident , fire or theft .
20 SMALL businesses in East Lothian face charges of up to £2,000 for waste collection later this year .
21 The healing rates achieved by a six to eight week treatment of erosive reflux oesophagitis are about 50% for potent histamine H 2 receptor antagonists ( for example , ranitidine ( 150–300 mg twice daily ) ) and up to 90% for omeprazole , a proton pump inhibitor .
22 The ECCS Products Group unit of ECCS Inc , based in Tinton Falls , New Jersey has a new family of fault-tolerant network storage subsystems using RAID technology : ranging in capacity from 200Mb to 8Gb they will be pitched at users downsizing from mainframes to Unix environments and Novell Inc NetWare networks — prices start at $4,800 for RAID 1 going up to $13,750 for RAID 5 , from this month .
23 Those laid off get up to a year 's salary and a year of medical coverage , counselling for those seeking new careers and up to $2,500 for job retraining .
24 THE Jockey Club stepped up its battle against the dopers yesterday by offering a reward of up to £5,000 for information leading to a conviction of those responsible .
25 Open Advantage Unix for SAA is available from Burgess Hill , Sussex-based Accent Computers Ltd in the UK at £500 for a single user version , or up to £2,950 for support for up to 254 SNA sessions .
26 Open Advantage Unix for SAA is available from Burgess Hill , Sussex-based Accent Computers Ltd in the UK at £500 for a single user version , or up to £2,950 for support for up to 254 SNA sessions .
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