Example sentences of "who did [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 He was finding he resented people who did not care for Wyvis Hall as much as he did .
2 His election campaigns were notorious for their cruelty — he often made sure that those who did not vote for him would never vote again — but the depth of his involvement has never been clear .
3 My claim to fame nowadays is that I am one of the seven people who did not vote for world peace .
4 On the dining-room walls today hang generations of Macleods ; Boswell and Johnson were entertained by the 23rd chief , Norman , who did not marry for a decade after the travellers stayed here .
5 He replaces Berndt Schultz , the Fair 's founder , who did not stand for re-election .
6 Kokoomus , led by the outgoing Prime Minister , Harri Holkeri ( who did not stand for re-election ) , lost 3.8 per cent and 13 of its 53 seats .
7 Professional batsmen were frequently in competition with ‘ gentlemen ’ who did not charge for their services in the conventional manner .
8 Millions of poor people who did not qualify for income support would be ‘ hit savagely by this increase in the basic cost of living ’ .
9 This view left room for considerable differences of opinion as to the means by which the labouring poor should be encouraged to work — by coercion or persuasion ; as to the degree to which those who worked could provide for all their needs , such as their children 's education , housing , sickness , old age , widowhood , or required support from the state in some or all of these circumstances ; and as to the degree of culpability of those who did not provide for themselves .
10 In the past , students who did n't go for Highers tended to get a ‘ pick and mix ’ of modules and short courses .
11 Mr Cook argued that 10 years of Thatcherism had been forced on most people , who had never voted Conservative , and that many of those who opposed PR in the Labour Party wanted to use the same undemocratic power ‘ to ram socialism down the throats of a majority who did n't vote for it ’ .
12 He played right into my hands and I then said , ‘ There is no such thing as political theory in Ireland , just different gangs that compete with each other and reward their followers if they win and punish those who did n't vote for them , if they lose . ’
13 ‘ The man gave it to my husband , who did n't ask for names , he was just so pleased to see it . ’
14 I do know about actresses such as Patrice Charbonneau , who did n't work for several years after starring in the lesbian love story Desert Hearts .
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