Example sentences of "who have been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from those who have been deprived of their freedom by the state , and at the discretion of the electoral registration officer , anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to register to vote .
2 Those at the conference table are not Palestine Liberation Organisation representatives working out of Tunis but people who actually live in the occupied territories , who have been deprived of their homeland , as they see it , and who are now looking to the future and trying to negotiate some kind of settlement .
3 2.5 The second , and more important , cause of action that English law now allows on death is the independent cause of action given to the near relatives of the deceased who have been deprived of his or her support or services .
4 All that is true , but I do not say that young people who have been deprived in that way should go out and steal cars .
5 Our Society has four doctors who have been accepted for service .
6 and millions of angels and also a general assembly and the congregation of the firstborn who have been enrolled in the heavens and also go with judge all and the spirit lives the brightest ones who have been made perfect , now , see most bible versions do n't use that spiritual there , they render it as spirit lives the brightest ones who have been made perfect , now is that verse they 're talking about the apostles then reaching up to perfection and
7 But while the exact timing of this pattern of events was unusual , the return of the overall pattern in the early 1980s comes as little surprise to some researchers , who have been warning for several years that a new drought cycle was due .
8 In an article originally published in 1964 , Laing describes similar voyages into ‘ inner space ’ often recounted by people who have been diagnosed as schizophrenics .
9 My Department is writing to all those who have been registered as objectors to the applications , with details of the arrangements .
10 Two policemen were shot dead in Johannesburg yesterday , bringing to 40 the number of South African police members who have been assassinated on duty so far this year .
11 The highest court in Britain is the House of Lords , but when they sit as a court the Lords consist only of a panel of members who have long judicial experience and who have been appointed as Law Lords .
12 All patients leaving psychiatric hospitals have a right to after care services , not just those who have been detained under sections 3 , 37 , or 47 of the Mental Health Act .
13 Recently there has been a certain amount of paranoia from agents who have been tied to short-term agreements , and then have lost a band to the highest bidder just as the act is becoming successful .
14 Not a classic illustration of the thesis of Aggleton and colleagues , who have been looking at the lifespans of cricketers and report a two-year gap in favour of right-handers , much of it ascribable to fewer deaths in accidents or in war .
15 They are the couple who have been looking after the twins , and it was they who first contacted my mother earlier this morning .
16 Here we are we have children who are paralysed , who have been looking after themselves while others have died .
17 Nurses who have been nursing for some time are likely to have reached the stage where much of what they do has become automatic , that is , carried out without conscious thought or awareness .
18 He said this would be paid for by ‘ speculators and those who have been living off the state like cannibals ’ .
19 She is certainly not one of those who have been living on mung beans for as long as they can remember .
20 This country has a long tradition of accepting genuine political refugees , but there is no doubt that the fact that three quarters of all applications are made by people who have been living in this country for weeks , months and , in some cases , years , is tantamount to an abuse of the system .
21 At the same time , the inner city forms the ‘ sink ’ to which gravitates a range of marginal and minority groups , including non-white immigrants , young single people , one-parent families and various types of social deviants who prefer the anonymity of big-city life or who have been ostracized by their community of origin ( Knox , 1982 ; Peach , 1982 ) .
22 A number of his fellow Cheshires who have been serving in war-torn Bosnia were also honoured for their gallantry .
23 Many of those who have been sent to prison rely on income support alone .
24 The Dicks were amongst many others who have been recognised for their contribution .
25 One Canadian official told New Scientist that scientists from the US have been replaced by ‘ people with less relevant experience , and some who have been acting as political commissars ’ .
26 I 'm Nick and I 'm the development director for Moat , responsible for all of our new development activities and I have with me tonight Sally our assistant development manager for Essex , who 'll be responsible for this project and also two of our consultants dealing with the scheme , Alan from Anglian Design who are acting as architects on the scheme and Howard from Space , who have been acting as our employer 's agent and consultant and will administer the building contract for , for all the phases of this , this project .
27 Well , there will be a certain amount of explanation that will have to be done , because Geoffrey Howe is a well known , well liked figure among many people that I deal with er but now , and for some time now , for a year now , it 's I who have been dealing with them and I hope I 've inherited some of the work and some of the trust which he helped to create .
28 George is very clever indeed , and is also a far more caring and soft-hearted man than most , who have been hardened by the rough life which they lead .
29 The Red Cross primarily visits those inmates who are former National Guardsmen or who have been sentenced for counter-revolutionary activity .
30 Obviously children who have been neglected to the point that they are the subject of care proceedings are likely to be difficult and sometimes very disturbed .
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