Example sentences of "who have [vb pp] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike some of the self-deluding egotists who have played football alongside him , he was a simple and some might say painfully honest man .
2 The sources , who have seen Viking in action , say that the thing works , and may even perform ahead of expectations when it eventually sees the light of day .
3 No doubt there are those who have seen fear on my face in certain circumstances in this campaign , just as I have seen the same fear on their faces in the same circumstances .
4 Parents who succeed in adopting a child are likely to take the whole matter of their upbringing even more seriously and conscientiously than many who have given birth to their children .
5 All who have given thought to the matter agree that an apparatus as complex as the human eye could not possibly come into existence through single-step selection .
6 Does the Secretary of State intend to thank those who have given service to Queen and country by making them not only jobless , but homeless ?
7 The petitioning creditor must prepare for the hearing a list of all those creditors who have given notice of their intention to appear at the hearing and hand it in at the hearing(r6.24) .
8 I would certainly be very interested to hear from readers who have obtained agreement from local inspectors on similar cases .
9 Question 13 Subject to this , do you agree that grants from the compensation fund should continue to be made without limitation to individual private clients who have lost money as a result of a solicitors dishonesty ?
10 Members who have lost touch with the Association are invited to contact The Honorary Secretary , Dr J. W. Binns , at the Centre for Medieval Studies , University of York , King 's Manor , York YO1 2EP stating what years they were in Hall , whereupon they will be added to the mailing list .
11 Some of the following suggestions may be useful where the space is very limited , while others could be initiated by a teacher with a small group of children who have lost interest in the more usual activities .
12 Amongst those who have fallen prey to their charms are none other than the Beaujolais Brothers , who whisked the merry troupe off to their chateau and cracked open a few bottles of ultra-rare white Beaujolais Nouveau .
13 This is naturally most relevant in the case of employees whose skills have been overtaken by changing business patterns and the increasing use of new technology and who have fallen victim to redundancy or reorganisation plans .
14 The novel opens with the combustion of seven housewives who have fallen victim to the latent flammability of the most recent invention of United Volcanic Industries ( manufacturers of synthetic fabrics from volcanic ash ) .
15 But it is understood that most of the banks who have lent money to Bond have secured their loans against assets or have made provisions against ultimate default .
16 Others dream when not fully asleep , either while waking ( hypnopompic dreams ) or while falling ‘ to sleep ( hypnagogic dreams ) , and a few can do so lucidly — Edgar Allan Poe and Robert Louis Stevenson are two examples of writers who have gained inspiration through the use of lucid hypnagogic dreams .
17 WARSAW — About 100 East Germans have been arriving daily at the West German embassy In Warsaw , hoping to join the 1,436 who have gained passage to the West via Poland since 30 September , AFP reports .
18 To date it has been the keepers of the government 's cheque books rather than those who conduct the nation 's health checks who have dictated policy over drinking water .
19 ‘ When the full Welsh team take on Australia , there will be six or seven players in the squad who have tasted victory against them with Swansea — and that is a completely new situation . ’
20 The desired religion therefore , must be acceptable , on the one hand to those who follow it because their belief is founded on logic-induced conviction , and on the other hand to those who come to believe , because tentative faith has been given them by others and who have reached conviction through experience .
21 There have been those in positions of authority who have expressed doubt about the possibilities of this normativist project .
22 And in fact if if if if er we look along this line , at the moment we as I said in my introduction we have two districts or three districts who have expressed support for the principal , and of those of those one has given a clear indication that it would , this might be too , er high a phrase , welcome a new settlement , within its district .
23 Once it has been lifted from the frames it will be offered to the NRM who have expressed interest in it for a projected display .
24 They must take a leading role in giving direction to families who have expressed interest in providing a home for a black child .
25 Phase I — The enclosed investment overview is being provided to selected parties who have expressed interest in evaluating the possible acquisition of the Company .
26 Koriyama Museum 's collection will also include Japanese artists who have studied art in England and have been influenced by British art as well as local artists ' work .
27 As I was reviewing the material to be used here I had certain issues in my mind which concern the structure and meaning of the support given , based upon the ideas developed by anthropologists and sociologists who have studied kinship in Britain and elsewhere .
28 Anthropologists who have studied witchcraft among African tribes have commented on the reaction to suggestions that the disease of an individual may be the result of a virus , not of witchcraft .
29 Sources who have gotten wind of the project claim it is important to Microsoft 's efforts to push NT into the enterprise .
30 The authors , who have done field-work in Madagascar , apply the theories of Lévy-Bruhl : the pre-logical mentality persists in civilised man , but becomes available only to or through the poet .
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