Example sentences of "who had [verb] she [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She would kill him later , but for the present , she was thinking of Sycorax , who had instructed her in love , and wondering if it would please her that here she was , filling a man with desire just as Sycorax had always said she should .
2 Piers Morrison was a dangerous stranger , one who made no effort to treat her with respect , far less subservience , and who had kissed her on the spur of the moment , then instantly regretted it because he basically did n't like her .
3 For a few brief moments she 'd actually managed to persuade herself that there was some kind of special rapport between herself and the man who had kissed her in the semi-darkness with such tender passion .
4 If only it had been he instead of Giles who had kissed her in the moonlight .
5 An authoritative denial of the Donaldson item came in and Rain passed it to Holly who regretted believing the man or the MacQuillans who had pushed her into writing it .
6 Bernice had tried to explain to her android companion about the man who had saved her from drowning in the quicksand .
7 In that sensible frame of mind she had hurried downstairs to join her daughter — who had beaten her to the breakfast table again ! — and her host in the sunny conservatory .
8 However , after a couple of dances had elapsed , Clara thought she spotted the civilized young man who had assisted her on the Channel crossing ; once she had spotted him she turned rigidly away , so deep was her horror of imitating Janice 's conduct , but she lost nothing by it , for within a couple of minutes he presented himself , courteously , at her elbow .
9 She saw the old man who had accosted her on her walk that afternoon proceeding at the head of a little posse consisting of a neatly dressed man , a woman with untidy hair and a couple of children .
10 It was in 1984 , when Kylie was still only 16 , that her next big break came and it was again Alan Hardy , the man who had cast her in The Sullivans three years before , who was involved .
11 It was Iris , throwing doubts on Rick 's guilt , who had cast her in the role of the devil 's advocate .
12 She chuckled at her romanticism : even most of the historians who had taught her at Cambridge sported tattered leather jackets and greasy jeans .
13 He reminded her of a mathematics mistress who had taught her at school .
14 The 67-year-old was attacked in Ludlow , Shropshire , by a man who had followed her through the town centre .
15 Tess realized that the farmer was the same Trantridge man who had recognized her in the market town , and had been knocked down by Angel .
16 She was more than capable of defending herself if the need arose , but what if her pursuer was someone who had recognized her from a previous UNACO assignment , someone out to blow her cover ?
17 She turned to watch him leave , experiencing a second shock as she recognised the man who was driving the car that arrived to collect him as one of the pair who had waylaid her in the car park .
18 Even with the whitewash skeleton painted on to him , Benny had no difficulty recognizing the serpentine man who had kidnapped her from the museum .
19 Instead she gazed into the dully glowing ashes of the dying fire and remembered a wild , enchanted garden and a tender , handsome soldier who had awoken her to approaching womanhood with one gentle kiss and a rose .
20 But then , essentially she was a young girl still , the daughter of a grocer who had ruined her with discipline ; a girl bursting with suppressed sexuality and fun .
21 She gave a little shiver as a goose ran over her grave , and stroked Cas and Poll , who had joined her on the swing-seat .
22 Who was he , this dark and secret lover who had inflamed her with so great a passion ?
23 Also , Tilly had decided that she could not now reveal the news she had brought with her this morning ; shocking news , news that told how Richard had been cheated and deceived by his own wife … and devastating news of Beth … how she was not safe and happy with Tyler Blacklock , as they had first thought , and how she also had been betrayed , both by her own brother Ben , and by the woman who had raised her from a child .
24 Her limbs were graceful , her whole body proportioned like that of a young goddess ; as for her breasts , an infatuated young man who had seen her in a small part at Robert 's Shield Theatre wrote her a letter quoting the Song of Solomon at length : Asshe threatened to horsewhip him .
25 Those who had seen her in this mood before faded quietly out of reach ; others got their fingers burnt .
26 Informed sources say that Mr Major was informed ‘ rather late ’ when much of the Thatcher outburst had already been drafted by Charles Powell , her private secretary , who had accompanied her to the weekend retreat of Lankawi .
27 Informed sources say that Mr Major was informed ‘ rather late ’ when much of the Thatcher outburst had already been drafted by Charles Powell , her private secretary , who had accompanied her to the weekend retreat of Lankawi .
28 Her famous ‘ four Maries ’ — Beaton , Seton , Fleming and Livingstone — who had accompanied her to France , remained there with her , to join the new friends in France , the king 's daughters Elisabeth and Claude , the dauphin Francis , and the other royal children .
29 It was getting late and her youngest child , Tudor , who had accompanied her to the funeral , and was now waiting for her in the local hotel , would be growing anxious .
30 Amaranth was joined by Charles Harvey , who had accompanied her to the party and had been circulating among his colleagues .
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