Example sentences of "who have [verb] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A young mother living in a damp flat with unheated bedrooms where the mould appears in charcoal blots across the wall , has a child who has suffered several bouts of pneumonia and now has chest convulsions .
2 Dervla Murphy , the Irish traveller , who has written several books about her travels with a bicycle across India and Asia , travels purely to enjoy herself , and her books about her adventures give enjoyment and inspiration to armchair travellers .
3 One gifted person is the 37-year-old Irishman Finbarr Nolan who has featured several times in the Scot-tish press as a result of his ‘ clinics ’ in Ayrshire and Edinburgh .
4 Ostensibly the first of these is the most serious problem but ask the trainees to consider the behaviour actually witnessed by the observer who has applied these labels .
5 A man with a poor employment history , who has lost several jobs and experienced intermittent phases of unemployment , has a considerably raised probability of becoming depressed when he is again made redundant ( Eales , 1985 ) , but will also have a raised chance of being near the top of an employer 's list for redundancy in so far as it is the policy of many employers to exercise a ‘ last in first out ’ policy .
6 These were the writers and newspapermen , paid hacks of the propaganda machine and tools of ‘ Anastasie ’ , the censor , who from their comfortable offices in Paris wrote of the nobility of war in the terms of Déroulède ; of the brave boys dying beautifully pour la Patrie ; who described the piling up of ‘ mounds of German dead ’ at each attack at Verdun , to the accompaniment of ‘ negligible ’ French losses ; and who published photographs of the grands mutilés with such captions as ‘ A Soldier Who Has Lost Both Feet , Yet Walks Fairly Well With Clever Substitutes , ’ or ‘ Who Has Lost Both Hands , Yet Can Handle a Cigarette and Salute as Before . ’
7 These were the writers and newspapermen , paid hacks of the propaganda machine and tools of ‘ Anastasie ’ , the censor , who from their comfortable offices in Paris wrote of the nobility of war in the terms of Déroulède ; of the brave boys dying beautifully pour la Patrie ; who described the piling up of ‘ mounds of German dead ’ at each attack at Verdun , to the accompaniment of ‘ negligible ’ French losses ; and who published photographs of the grands mutilés with such captions as ‘ A Soldier Who Has Lost Both Feet , Yet Walks Fairly Well With Clever Substitutes , ’ or ‘ Who Has Lost Both Hands , Yet Can Handle a Cigarette and Salute as Before . ’
8 It is Signora Mancini who has turned these buildings into an attractive residence , and it is the lady 's exceptional talents and great love of country life which have found a true expression in the transformation of Residence Elena into a lovely property of character and charm .
9 So what does 1991 hold for the man who has survived several years of mental agony and still found the strength to come smiling through ?
10 The Great Mother is like a priestess sitting in the dark temple , an old , old woman , who has seen many seekers come and go , all with their own vital problems and joys .
11 ‘ Pilots are the most important factor in the treatment of an engine ’ , commented Tony , who has seen several powerplants come back to the care of his team long before they need have done , had they been handled correctly .
12 Old Shallot 's a brawling man : a born street fighter and a soldier who has seen more battles than many of you have had hot dinners .
13 The reader who has grasped these ideas has the root of the matter in him .
14 Mr Morton , who has made many speeches on the need for an integrated and planned transport policy , would in any case be unlikely to relish the job of breaking up the rail network .
15 ‘ Praise God who has created all things . ’
16 Rita is a machine knitter of 20 years ' standing who has taught many techniques of the craft .
17 An alternative explanation has , however , been advanced by Robinson ( 1955 ) , who has noted some objections to the foregoing hypothesis .
18 While my hon. Friend is paying tribute to several people who have highlighted those issues , will he also pay tribute to a specialist in Wales , with the Celtic name of Dr. Ian Campbell , who has highlighted those issues strongly ?
19 They do nt like the fact we have a midfielder who has scored more goals than most of the top strikers in the league .
20 Newcastle , the hot-bed for local fell running , supplies Edinburgh-based Richard Rodgers who has performed many times for Northern Ireland and Willowfield 's George Morris — making his debut at this level — completes the senior mens ' team .
21 Newcastle , the hot-bed for local fell running , supplies Edinburgh-based Richard Rodgers who has performed many times for Northern Ireland and Willowfield 's George Morris — making his debut at this level — completes the senior mens ' team .
22 Bill Clinton ( who has thought these things through ) might have tried to persuade them of this .
23 ‘ You could n't have had a golf course made for a man 's game more than that golf course for John Daly , ’ observed the man who has won more Masters than anyone , six all told and now playing his 34th in succession .
24 Grobbelaar , 35 , who has won more medals than any other goalkeeper , is currently on loan to Second division Stoke and a return to Merseyside now looks highly unlikely .
25 ‘ It is with a feeling of surprise and wonder , even of awe , that humans become aware of a great intelligence living in the sea ; of marine mammals with a perception greater than that of other animals , more akin to our own , ’ says New Zealander Frank Robson , who has spent many years working with dolphins both in captivity and in the wild .
26 According to Koen Van Waerebeek , who has spent many years studying the dolphin hunt , hardly anyone in Peru is aware of the true nature of chancho marino .
27 WE WERE a small group : Soeriaatmadja , the head of Indonesia 's Elephant Task Force , Graham Child , the director of Zimbabwe 's National Park Service , Iain Douglas-Hamilton , who has spent many years observing elephants in East Africa , and me .
28 Ms Anderson , who has spent many years living and working in London and Washington , was visiting Torquay for the BA Conference .
29 Publishers grow thick skins against negative reviewing , but I remain puzzled at the volume of abuse directed at this particular book , by an author who has spent many years working on his subject , opening up new areas of research , and who has arguably contributed more in recent years ( viz Orwell : The War Broadcasts , Orwell : The War Commentaries and The Larger Evils ) to the study of Orwell 's work than any other scholar .
30 What this latter achieves I am not quite sure , but I have yet to hear of a gardener who has experienced any problems with free lime after following this recommendation .
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