Example sentences of "who have [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As someone who has suffered several heart attacks , I eat polyunsaturates , although I prefer butter , but I can not convince myself that it really matters .
2 A young mother living in a damp flat with unheated bedrooms where the mould appears in charcoal blots across the wall , has a child who has suffered several bouts of pneumonia and now has chest convulsions .
3 Dervla Murphy , the Irish traveller , who has written several books about her travels with a bicycle across India and Asia , travels purely to enjoy herself , and her books about her adventures give enjoyment and inspiration to armchair travellers .
4 You do n't look like a girl who has tasted any sort of deprivation ; neither did your mother .
5 He 's a man who has crushed all softness in himself , so why should his son be indulged , be allowed to cry and display his grief , be stroked and cuddled and consoled when he never was ?
6 One gifted person is the 37-year-old Irishman Finbarr Nolan who has featured several times in the Scot-tish press as a result of his ‘ clinics ’ in Ayrshire and Edinburgh .
7 Ostensibly the first of these is the most serious problem but ask the trainees to consider the behaviour actually witnessed by the observer who has applied these labels .
8 Not only is it little consolation , he wrote , it is actually a further cause for despair , for it only shows that everything is far too late , that the glass was a dream of lateness and the work on the glass was a fantasy of lateness and the belief in the glass was the madness of one who has lost all sense of the meaning of lateness .
9 A man with a poor employment history , who has lost several jobs and experienced intermittent phases of unemployment , has a considerably raised probability of becoming depressed when he is again made redundant ( Eales , 1985 ) , but will also have a raised chance of being near the top of an employer 's list for redundancy in so far as it is the policy of many employers to exercise a ‘ last in first out ’ policy .
10 These were the writers and newspapermen , paid hacks of the propaganda machine and tools of ‘ Anastasie ’ , the censor , who from their comfortable offices in Paris wrote of the nobility of war in the terms of Déroulède ; of the brave boys dying beautifully pour la Patrie ; who described the piling up of ‘ mounds of German dead ’ at each attack at Verdun , to the accompaniment of ‘ negligible ’ French losses ; and who published photographs of the grands mutilés with such captions as ‘ A Soldier Who Has Lost Both Feet , Yet Walks Fairly Well With Clever Substitutes , ’ or ‘ Who Has Lost Both Hands , Yet Can Handle a Cigarette and Salute as Before . ’
11 These were the writers and newspapermen , paid hacks of the propaganda machine and tools of ‘ Anastasie ’ , the censor , who from their comfortable offices in Paris wrote of the nobility of war in the terms of Déroulède ; of the brave boys dying beautifully pour la Patrie ; who described the piling up of ‘ mounds of German dead ’ at each attack at Verdun , to the accompaniment of ‘ negligible ’ French losses ; and who published photographs of the grands mutilés with such captions as ‘ A Soldier Who Has Lost Both Feet , Yet Walks Fairly Well With Clever Substitutes , ’ or ‘ Who Has Lost Both Hands , Yet Can Handle a Cigarette and Salute as Before . ’
12 The worker who has lost this belief will convey this attitude to the parents , and partnership will collapse .
13 It is Signora Mancini who has turned these buildings into an attractive residence , and it is the lady 's exceptional talents and great love of country life which have found a true expression in the transformation of Residence Elena into a lovely property of character and charm .
14 So what does 1991 hold for the man who has survived several years of mental agony and still found the strength to come smiling through ?
15 The prosecution could open a can of worms , since Mr Shalabai who has denied any wrongdoing had connections at every level .
16 You might answer that pressures on existing JS Journal staff prevent the crossword being a regular monthly item — but there must be many JS staff [ like myself ] who have experience of compiling crosswords , and I am sure that we could provide a steady supply of crosswords ready for publication — with the proviso , of course , that the person who has compiled that month 's crossword is not eligible to send in an entry to the competition .
17 The three nodes to the left represent behaviour dominated by the interpreter ( in other words , they represent the position of the reader who has to devote much processing effort to find coherence ) .
18 With a lieutenant ( who has gained this position by being the first archer to hit the red ) to assist him and the clerk to the captains to advise , he has to arrange and run the next shoot .
19 Our workshops will be run by Mary Casey , a specialist in inter-personal skills training who has conducted many stress management courses for women .
20 As Horton Davies , who has explored this subject deeply , wrote : ‘ More worshipful churches proved incentives to , if not a deeper , yet a better ordered and more dignified worship among congregations that had previously regarded worship as merely a preliminary to preaching . ’
21 So what possesses a man who has reached that pinnacle to swap a prestigious City office for a charity based in one of the more dubious London suburbs ?
22 It is surely one of the most cruel twists of fate that a man who has demonstrated such commitment , as well as compassion to overcome so many other problems during his life — and indeed to have helped so many others to have done the same — that he should have become a victim of medical science .
23 The Great Mother is like a priestess sitting in the dark temple , an old , old woman , who has seen many seekers come and go , all with their own vital problems and joys .
24 Everyone , without exception , who has seen this guitar has commented on its appearance in not particularly glowing terms .
25 ‘ Pilots are the most important factor in the treatment of an engine ’ , commented Tony , who has seen several powerplants come back to the care of his team long before they need have done , had they been handled correctly .
26 Old Shallot 's a brawling man : a born street fighter and a soldier who has seen more battles than many of you have had hot dinners .
27 He holds a rather higher view of individual intelligence than Taylor , arguing that the person who has to do that job every day is the one most likely to know how to do it .
28 Please raise your glass and drink a toast to Alan who has organized this party for me .
29 The reader who has grasped these ideas has the root of the matter in him .
30 Mr Morton , who has made many speeches on the need for an integrated and planned transport policy , would in any case be unlikely to relish the job of breaking up the rail network .
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