Example sentences of "who be [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I wonder why you keep going to sea when you know it 's dangerous ’ ( quoted by B. J. Wagner , 1976 , p. 59 ) , muses Mrs. Heathcote to a class of children who are into a drama about pirates — and she from then on carries at the back of her mind the possibility that through the subsequent experience these children might understand something of what drives people to face dangers .
2 Heads as they appoint new staff have the chance to turn the long-term realization of a school 's plan into a shared reality , but the same commitment can also be won from those teachers who are at a school when a new head arrives .
3 There is also an alarmingly high number of people who are on a warning , especially in the Andersonstown area .
4 Champions Marchwiel , heading the table again by a point , expect to be unchanged for their visit to Mold who are on a high after two welcome wins last weekend .
5 Control is vested in local planning authorities , who are under a duty to ens–e that all land and property within their area is used for the best possible purposes in view of the shortage of land and the needs of the community .
6 We have been trying to focus in this study on those people within the enterprise who are in a position to effect strategic change ( or to maintain the status quo in the face of destabilising influences ) .
7 The net result of this state of affairs is that there exist citadels of private economic power ( Unger , 1983 ) — that is , relatively small groups of people who are in a position to control the basic terms of collective prosperity by making crucial decisions about investment and deployment of capital .
8 The first such study was conducted by Break in 1956 and covered 306 self-employed lawyers and accountants in England — two groups of professionals who are in a position to vary their work effort , and who are also liable to high rates of taxation because of their high incomes .
9 Finding a suitable firm for articles can present problems if you have no friends or relatives who are in a position to help .
10 In this article , Ross acknowledges the current pressures upon arts education are such that it would be unwise for any arts teacher to declare ‘ UDI ’ from the examination system , hence his decision to aim his argument against examinations in the arts at headteachers , who are in a position to remove the arts from this form of damaging restriction by placing them within a protected , and non-examined core .
11 The publisher had made a decision , no doubt on sound commercial information , about the viability of the book as a course text and decided it should have a more restricted clientele who are in a position to buy a large-format , expensive paperback .
12 At the end of the research , the investigator will report on the survey and interviews to policy makers and others who are in a position to make recommendations for improved teacher training and career development .
13 He said : ‘ I urge all those who are in a position to do so to use their influence on the men of violence from both sides of the community to end their murderous activities , and to create the only basis on which an enduring peace can be established . ’
14 Insiders are those workers who are currently employed and who are in a position to exercise considerable muscle in the wage bargaining process owing to the major discontinuity between the skills possessed by insiders and the skills possessed by outsiders .
15 It is worth pondering , too , on the ‘ losers ’ Clegg identifies ; those workers outside the core labour market who are in a sense paying for the benefits Japanese organizations derive .
16 I do not blame those involved in the development corporation , particularly the five council members who are in a minority on the board .
17 The operational effect is rather narrow ; it operates on a limited group of people who are in a state of physical decline .
18 Exposed to elderly people who are in a state of acute or chronic physical illness , mental incapacity and increasing dependence , it is not surprising that nurses believe all elderly people experience the same decline . ’
19 A case has been made for brief admission of patients who may not be suffering from psychiatric disorders , but who are in a state of particularly severe crisis .
20 Tomorrow , Oxfordshire 's , Debbie Stock and Janet Goodman hope to make the side against Ireland who 're on a roll after beating Denmark in Oxford earlier this week .
21 But there are problems even with this more sophisticated test , because it could be argued that to examine those who were as a matter of fact interested in science is to skew the sample .
22 Needless to say the proposed settlement — widely publicised — drew a good deal of criticism , almost entirely from the Left who were for a variety of reasons extremely hostile to white Rhodesians .
23 The membership was to include appropriate volunteers who had knowledge of ‘ education and of other conditions affecting young persons ’ , and who were in a position to advise the exchanges .
24 that the defendant took care to inform himself , from others who were in a position to provide the information , as to whether the deposit would constitute an offence and had no reason to suppose that the information given to him was false or misleading ;
25 This gave them little time to develop influence where it mattered , but also meant that the Supreme Soviet had a body of deputies holding important jobs who were in a position to be influential ( Lane , 1985 , pp. 177–81 ) .
26 Being concerned with gentlemen or noble persons , in other words those within the society who were in a position to act , Spenser directs his poem to make them aware both of dangers and responsibilities .
27 Quantitative limits were also thought to restrict competition as they hampered efficient banks who were in a position to create new deposits .
28 The NATO Secretary-General , Manfred Wörner , commented that " to see defence ministers who were in a sense at the heart of the Cold War confrontation sitting in a spirit of partnership around the same table is a remarkable and moving event " .
29 P C Raymond Hall was shot last November in North London when he tried to arrest Kelly and an accomplice who were in a lorry which was found to be packed with more than three tonnes of explosives .
30 Support staff , who were in a majority , were as a consequence involved in productive and creative dialogue with teachers and governors .
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