Example sentences of "who [is] [v-ing] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Who 's baking the bread ?
2 Who 's baking the bread then ?
3 And there 's Mr who 's locking the door and he 's making sure that no one tries to get in .
4 ‘ Unfortunately I 've got a meeting with Verrall — he 's the man who 's fronting the documentary . ’
5 Who 's sailing the boat ? ’
6 So who 's handling the sale then the Council or est cos I 've seen these things
7 And one of them is cos the gentleman who 's taping the meeting would like a sort of signature for the people 's consent to tape it .
8 I mean can you really justify supporting somebody with public money who 's producing the sort of work which if I , as a totally unknown person , produced it would be thrown onto a bonfire ?
9 Yes I pick up on the comment from the , Notts are n't as in control as they were , after first Tony and then Paul got their names on the score sheet in each case for the first time this season , both with bristling finishing efforts and you 'd be a harsh critic indeed who did n't agree that Pisa deserved to pull one back because they played some fine attacking football , and it was the player who 's caused most danger , who 's wearing the number eleven that moved across to the right hand side , got clear of the defence , pulled back an absolutely brilliant clot cross and in the middle who 'd missed an earlier header on fifteen minutes to make it one one , did n't miss on this occasion .
10 You ' re the one who 's inventing the truth ! ’
11 But would n't it make more sense to catch that nutter who 's roaming the countryside around here ? ’
12 We know who 's jumping the queue and we know which directors of the Health Authority have got private health insurance in .
13 Instead Mike met some professor who 's renting the cottage . ’
14 And maybe you can get Penikos to find out who 's renting the apartment . ’
15 We were all staying with some friends of Steve 's — that 's the man who 's organising the exhibition ; Rick shares a studio with him in London .
16 Who 's footing the bill ?
17 About erm eighteen months , two years ago a report was published , the Cockroft Report , this is the same Sir Wilfred Cockroft who 's chairing the Examination erm Council , which looked into the teaching of mathematics at all level in the country and it was an extremely good report and a lot has followed from it .
18 And who 's bearing the cost of the delay , the two hundred million ?
19 Just be a bit er bit , bit er wary of them in the sense that you do n't know who 's managing the fund , er because it 's their money , it 's not your money , they do n't actually invest the money from you , it 's their money they 're investing .
20 The new Chief Constable replaces Albert Pacey , who 's leaving the force to head the National Criminal Intelligance Service , which co-ordinates the fight against drugs , football hooliganism and pornography .
21 The new head of school who 's breaking the mould .
22 So who 's telling the designing what to include and what to configure ?
23 Everybody wants to know who 's telling the truth .
24 The jury has been told they 'll have to decide who 's telling the truth .
25 A councillor who 's advising the Department of Transport on the road insists it wo n't be a motorway .
26 But one councillor who 's advising the Department of Transport on the proposed route denies that .
27 Well good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen I am delighted to welcome you to the R Y A's Annual General Meeting if I may call the meeting to order and may I propose that for those who 's convening the meeting printed on the front page of the annual report and accounts ninety , ninety one ninety two to be taken as read .
28 There 's no question who 's running the council here , it 's this lot .
29 Who 's running the country now ? ’
30 It does n't matter who 's running the show .
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