Example sentences of "who [vb mod] [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Not many recruits were usually needed ; at full strength a Marine chapter numbered a thousand able warriors , who might well live for two hundred years and more , and the loss of any one of whom was a tragedy .
2 The stand-in who could also pass for a horribly oppressed 25-shilling Victorian clerk was , of course , Mark Lennox-Boyd , son of the more famous Alan .
3 The biggest landowners , who could best afford to erect new dwellings with a reasonable standard of construction and sanitation , had the least incentive to do so — indeed , as the principal local ratepayers they might easily penalize themselves by attracting workers who could later apply for poor relief .
4 The nineteenth-century origins of these provisions are closely tied into a desire to hold down state expenditure and to ensure that the wealthier classes did not have to dig too deep into their pockets to support people who could not work for wages .
5 Hall has a four-shot buffer after her round of 75 while Edmond , who could not play for the Essex ladies in county week due to a wrist injury , is also well-placed after a 77 .
6 A borrower had a personal covenant with the lender who could still sue for outstanding debts .
7 Dear people who could hardly write for arthritis , who had to send aged husbands staggering out in the frost to find something suitable , people whom I had hardly seen and had exchanged no more than the shiest of glances were sending me pictures of daffodils , valleys , seas and mountains .
8 The other person was a man who could actually speak for hours about his reading , which was extensive .
9 McAllister or Strach would feed it out to Sharp ( who was absolutely brill — see below ) who would either wait for the overlap from Dorigo or take on Breacker ( skinning him most of the time ) .
10 I know one who would n't stand for it ; she 'd walk out .
11 And who would n't die for such a dilemma ?
12 Who would not sing for Lucidas .
13 Graham , the doubter who would not vote for the local Conservative MP , had even expressed indifference about the Russians taking over South Africa .
14 A REPORT PREPARED by the District Attorney , who would not vouch for the figures , said Los Angeles had 150,000 gang members of all races .
15 This popular prime-time , Sunday evening CBS network show provided Reagan for eight years with ‘ a vehicle for becoming familiar to a whole new generation of young people who would later vote for him .
16 Who would possibly ask for more ?
17 But basically I think most courses now , not sure there 's actually a legal requirement , I do n't think it is , but most of them want a at least a year 's sort of full time experience in erm , you know , d dealing with underprivileged people really and their problems and people who ca n't cope for one reason or another , and how er y you can er er sort of help them and what sort of relationship you can build with them and so on , and how
18 Perhaps you still think I 'm merely being vengeful towards a dead scholar who ca n't answer for herself .
19 I mean apart from a monstrous attack on our own officers who ca n't answer for themselves in this place .
20 ‘ She may be of age , but I wo n't allow her to marry someone who ca n't provide for her ! ’
21 Somebody Who Ca n't Wait For The New Morrissey Record , Milan
22 Unhappily , too , extended works which have taken much love and toil to compile can be a quarry for the despoiler , who will ruthlessly remove for separate sale topographical prints , autograph letters , etc. , which have much increased in value since the extra-illustration was carried out .
23 On 27th May there is A River Sutra , the new novel by Gita Mehta , who will also visit for publication ; as will Amanda Filipacchi , whose first novel Nude Men is described as ‘ an erotic tour de force ’ .
24 How they are set is a difficult question to which I shall return , but those who decry as too narrow the scope of a Convention running to over a hundred Articles must surely embody the resuscitated spirit of Oliver Twist who will always cry for more !
25 ‘ The fact that he ( Dr Vaughan ) considers such disclosure of information unethical without the consent of the patient is surely irrelevant when the patient is a newborn baby who can not protest for himself his desire to live .
26 However insignificant in myself I am the Representative on this question of no mean body in this country who would be … disappointed and chagrined at the suspension of the question — But further — and this is a consideration far more really influential on my Conduct — I can not but feel myself the Representative of a Body who can not speak for themselves and for whom I must act without other guide than my own Conscience .
27 The different access that people from different social class origins have to resources in retirement is a major determinant of who can and who can not provide for themselves in old age .
28 How the wind affects the ocean and modifies the heat exchanged with the atmosphere is not well understood , but is of paramount importance to weather forecasters who can not wait for ERS-1 to begin operations .
29 If people are well trained , you 've got lots of people in turn you know when you 've got absenteeism or holidays , you 've got lots of people who could be slotted to different positions for you and obviously the better trained people are , it does help with the talent , it makes you more flexible and you 've got more people who can possibly go for certain jobs .
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