Example sentences of "who [vb mod] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 What are the forces , who may combine with you or against you and why ?
2 4 Patient accompanied to theatre by a familiar ward nurse who may remain with him until fully anaesthetized .
3 He had to swear to obey the rules while diligently instructing the children and any others who may come to him ‘ in grammar and other human doctrine ’ , but must not read to them ‘ any corrupt or reprobate books ’ .
4 When Rachel did n't immediately reply Nina peered over her glasses at Greg and said , ‘ I think you may find Rachel is the one person who may disagree with you . ’
5 State benefits create contradictory and ambiguous responses among those who must rely upon them .
6 The common property , if it is more than mere cash in hand or at the bank , will be vested in trustees who must deal with it in accordance with the rules or with any trust expressly declared , and it can be made liable for obligations incurred by , or on behalf of , the society .
7 Welfare rights and patients ' monies ' officers are , indeed , needed in every service and not just in community care , but at present there is doubt as to who should pay for them .
8 It 's I who should apologize to you and your brother — for what Maurice did . ’
9 It 's no joke , because they occupy a dingy cell in war torn Beirut in Someone Who 'll Watch Over Me at London 's Vaudeville theatre .
10 AMNESTY members will receive £5.00 off top price tickets for any Monday-to-Thursday performance of Someone Who 'll Watch Over Me , a play about three Beirut hostages by Frank McGuinness .
11 See now , there 's a lot of people who will speak to you friendly out on the street and there 's a lot more of them who 'll speak to you inside their own homes .
12 ‘ The designer has to allow for both those who 'll do no more than flick through and those who 'll go through it line-by-line .
13 What gets me though , is the number of man U fans who 'll whine about it and yet sing Hillsbrough disaster stuff at Scouse fans , or even put jokes in Red Issue about Don Revie 's motor neurone disease .
14 who 'll look after him — she nurses all the farm babies when they need it .
15 Who 'll look after me ? ’
16 One-sided relationships , however , can be not only hurtful but can spoil our chances of building up friendships with people who might care for us much more .
17 No question now , married or not , had it been apparent to those who might gossip about it , that she was alone .
18 The night saloon was provided with two moveable bedsteads , one for Her Majesty , and the other for either of the Royal Princesses who might travel with her .
19 His characteristic method is to make a statement so large or vague as to be practically meaningless , then to qualify that statement by explaining what he does not mean by it , and finally to outline the reasons why he does not propose to discuss matters arising from it ; he apologizes , at this point , for wandering off course but , instead of clarifying or refining his original proposition , he classifies the arguments of those who might object to it and proceeds to deal with their objections .
20 Now he is confined to 125cc racing and this restriction was never more evident than at Carrowdore when he won the 125cc class which was the first race on the card and then spent the rest of the day on the sidelines talking to anyone who might listen to him — myself included .
21 ‘ There are one or two women in the world who might disagree with you , ’ Fen said .
22 They were all in positions of heads of department , consequently I got the feeling that the secondary modern staff who could cope with it to a certain extent , withdrew labour .
23 But there were very few people who could sympathise with her — the presumption was that she was fiercely cold-hearted , driven by greed and shallowness , a woman who had convinced herself that she was above the law .
24 Likewise , Mr Clark has had to explain that his remark to Mr Lamont ( ‘ I can see you were n't at Eton ’ ) is derogatory not of the chancellor but of Mr Clark 's alma mater , where ‘ you were surrounded by shits and knew what shits were , the sort of people who could vote against Her in the first round .
25 It will only be available to women in the first nine weeks of pregnancy ( that 's the only licence for which the makers have asked ) , so not all women who could benefit from it will do so .
26 Katelina , who could care for him ?
27 Perhaps its owner died , and there were no relatives who could care for it .
28 Who could stay with him ?
29 They loved this exuberant officer who could laugh with them and join in their games , without losing any respect .
30 If the wife is unable to take a nap in the afternoon when the children are napping , then possibly there is someone who could look after them for a few hours at least one day a week for her to regain her strength .
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