Example sentences of "who [vb base] been [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The single parent building a home on supplementary benefit does n't have the tools acquired by workers who 've been earning for twenty or forty years .
2 For house physician John Bery , the day begins at Cheltenham General Hospital when he puts on a pedometer.He 's one of a group of doctors who 've been helping in a survey of the distances covered while on duty.Soon Dr Bery is heading for a ward at the opposite end of the hospital.It 's the first of many long walks along the corridors during the day.The problem at Cheltenham general is identical to many other hospitals … where an old Victorian block has been extended with newer buildings forcing doctors to travel great distances from department to department .
3 Landowners are demanding that the police get tough with so-called new age travellers who 've been gathering in the region .
4 This includes women who 've been trying for a test tube baby , have a history of pelvic inflammatory disease or sexually transmitted diseases , have suffered previous ectopic pregnancy , or surgery on their tubes , and those who 've had infertility problems .
5 Arms salesman ; okay the Avenger the Equaliser the Total Fucking Nutter went for the legs too but still , and the editor spiked , and the rapist-lenient judge raped and the pornographer poisoned and stroked and the man who was so callous about the bloodshed in the Iran/Iraq war forced to watch his penned animals die like cattle like soldiers like cattle and then bled to death in his own private fountains of blood and the businessman who put profits before safety and not only helped kill a thousand people but then tried to get out of paying the survivors and dependants any compensation gets his own gas explosion — blevey is the technical term apparently — and fuck me whoever he is ( assuming he is a he ) , he 's got a sense of humour or at least irony why he 's produced what 's almost a snuff video effectively a snuff video if you mean brain-death anyway it 's the closest anyone will admit to ever having seen or found one even the Obscene Pubs Squad who 've been looking for years but although everybody assumes they exist nobody 's ever seen one until old gorilla man comes along and just makes his own , specifically to warn off any other porn merchants thinking of dealing in snuff !
6 I 've listened to a lot of interest to the people who 've been commenting about the future and the schools and the young children coming in .
7 The bodies have not yet been identified , but it 's thought they 're Linda Bohlen and Stefan Mohr who 've been missing since the end of September .
8 The people who 've been going through the induction courses though for the last six months or so , they 're probably up , more able to speak to it , and you 're going to be better off actually than the , the old boys if you like and girls , because it 's going to be old dogs , new tricks , but as you wo n't know any different and you do this , then you 'll have an advantage over them .
9 But while the exact timing of this pattern of events was unusual , the return of the overall pattern in the early 1980s comes as little surprise to some researchers , who have been warning for several years that a new drought cycle was due .
10 Not a classic illustration of the thesis of Aggleton and colleagues , who have been looking at the lifespans of cricketers and report a two-year gap in favour of right-handers , much of it ascribable to fewer deaths in accidents or in war .
11 They are the couple who have been looking after the twins , and it was they who first contacted my mother earlier this morning .
12 Here we are we have children who are paralysed , who have been looking after themselves while others have died .
13 Nurses who have been nursing for some time are likely to have reached the stage where much of what they do has become automatic , that is , carried out without conscious thought or awareness .
14 He said this would be paid for by ‘ speculators and those who have been living off the state like cannibals ’ .
15 She is certainly not one of those who have been living on mung beans for as long as they can remember .
16 This country has a long tradition of accepting genuine political refugees , but there is no doubt that the fact that three quarters of all applications are made by people who have been living in this country for weeks , months and , in some cases , years , is tantamount to an abuse of the system .
17 A number of his fellow Cheshires who have been serving in war-torn Bosnia were also honoured for their gallantry .
18 One Canadian official told New Scientist that scientists from the US have been replaced by ‘ people with less relevant experience , and some who have been acting as political commissars ’ .
19 I 'm Nick and I 'm the development director for Moat , responsible for all of our new development activities and I have with me tonight Sally our assistant development manager for Essex , who 'll be responsible for this project and also two of our consultants dealing with the scheme , Alan from Anglian Design who are acting as architects on the scheme and Howard from Space , who have been acting as our employer 's agent and consultant and will administer the building contract for , for all the phases of this , this project .
20 Well , there will be a certain amount of explanation that will have to be done , because Geoffrey Howe is a well known , well liked figure among many people that I deal with er but now , and for some time now , for a year now , it 's I who have been dealing with them and I hope I 've inherited some of the work and some of the trust which he helped to create .
21 A MORE considered , romantic and melancholy version of the above , with Henry Fonda 's Wyatt Earp cleaning up the nightmarish town of Tombstone , making the community safe for the church-going , square-dancing just plain folks who have been hiding in the shadows while the Clanton gang runs riot .
22 The vast majority of them are non-Kuwaiti nationals leaving Kuwait , erm Bengalis , Thais , Sri Lankans , Phillipinos , erm never mind Arab nationals who have been leaving to Egypt , Sudan , Lebanon , Syria and Jordan themselves .
23 Or was he merely seeking to confuse people in the West who have been calling for military intervention ?
24 Mr Clarke effectively slapped down the Cabinet dissenters — John Redwood , Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo — who have been calling for the already-tight £254 billion spending target to be cut .
25 Mr Clarke effectively slapped down the Cabinet dissenters — John Redwood , Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo — who have been calling for the already-tight £254bn spending target to be cut .
26 But were it not for the perceived economic might of a more unified Economic Community , the dozen or so nations of the Pacific Rim , who have been meeting in Australia , might not have bothered .
27 The way the work-force has been treated over the last few years , the uncertainty that 's been created and the lack of consultation , the impact on their lives of such a closure on people who have been expecting to be there until they retire — their jobs may well go , and the impact on that , both for their own lives as well as their families .
28 For an hour the guests sat patiently listening ; then everybody got up and , with the air of people who have been thinking of little else for some time , demolished the langoor ( free food ) which was waiting for them at the rear of the house .
29 Well I think there 's a difficulty here because I think one of the questions is a matter of perspective erm how do you define how you define what sexual harassment is is to an extent a factor of your perspective on the question in that I think that tutors who have been thinking about it in recent years , and women tutors , who have taken the lead in it , have tended to think about the implications from the institutional perspective , that is how do tutors behave to their students and in what ways may that affect students ' studies and their live in the college .
30 But to my mind the boy could begin by showing more respect altogether to people like your father who have been listening to what the League says about the problems of the land and the bosses and the conditions of the men and women who work on it .
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